Apr 04, 2008 00:08
Okay, so apparently people DO notice when I don't post here... (blinks at Alasse) So, um, yeah. You want an update I guess? Well:
1. I was promoted to full editor. Yay!
2. I just hired an associate editor. I'm a boss now! Weird.
3. I bought a new car this week. A 2008 Hyundai Tucson Limited. 4WD. It is made of teh awesome.
4. I have a date Friday night. With a boy. Wow.
5. The kitties are doing well. Still as goofy as always. They keep me laughing.
6. I was in the city tonight for an awards dinner. The guy who introduced the first winner was drunk off his ass. He was slurring words, and half of what he said made no sense. I felt so bad for the woman who was being introduced.
7. My friend Heather is coming to town this weekend! Yay! we're going to take the city by storm. Mwa ha ha...
8. I think I'm going to Comic Con in July. Dee and I have free flights, so we figure, why not? That month, I'll be in Baltimore, then Niagra Falls, then San Diego, then Vegas. All one week after the other. And my Mom and Grandma are coming in June. Not to mention I'll be in Germany for drupa the end of May - the beginning of June. So a very busy summer coming up travel-wise.
9. Um, ah, that's it? I tried to get to 10, but I'm not that interesting apparently. Sorry.
So I have officially updated! Whoo hoo!