
Jun 19, 2007 19:25

Yep, back again...
Last Week I had a lolastic artist block... and I just couldn't finish some Icons I had somewhere in my pc... but today, that block just poof [lol] and then, I was doing a little siggy of BurnerMan... and... I just love how the siggy turn out, so, I'll post the tutorial here...
Oh yeah... this tutorial can be used to make an Icon... I just do one with BurnerMan too LOL...
from this to this
PSP9, Translatable
Involves Curves

Oh yeah... Don't do this tutorial step by step... I know you can play with the textrues, colors, curves, etc...
Okay... so... this tutorial is for a siggy-header-etc... so, start with a 500x300 thing... and paste and image and etc... you know what to do... [don't forget to merge all]
Okay... first...
paste this texture [don't know who made it] and set it to Multiply 100%... move it if you don't feel your siggy-header is looking good...
Now paste this texture [made by me... from a lot of others textures & brush... credits to their respective owners] and set it to Lighten 100%
Three new layers... the first one fill it with #e4d1a5 at Darken 100%, the second one fill it with #02073b Exclusion 54% and the last one fill it with #0007f3 exclusion 40%
Go to Curves [Layers>Adjustment Layers>Curves] and move it until you're happy with it... mine was
Dot 1 Input 94 Output 114
Dot 2 Input 186 Output 170
Color Balance! [Layer>Adjustment Layers>Color Balance] play with it too...
Midtones red 20
Shadows Red 21 Blue 1
Higlights Green 6 Yellow -6
Duplicate your base, desaturate it and set it to Overlay 100%
New layer, fill it with #751d1d and set it to Lighten 52%
New layer... paste this brush [made by ohpaintbrush] with some color... mine was #e3b780
Now... for the text... I just hate putting text to the thing I made 'cause I ALWAYS suck at it... but this time I liked how I selected the correct font!...
this is a little trick that a friend told me... so...
made to vector layer... now, for the first one, I choose Saeculum at 36, in white and typed BurnerMan, in the second vector layer, i stayed with the same font, but changed the color to #c59261 and move it behind the white font... so... it look like a shadow!... Merge all and you're done!...
My Result... I just LOVE BurnerMan...
I'll be glad to see your results... ^^, oh yeah... and Hope you like this Tutorial!
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