Thanks, Sora!

Apr 09, 2007 15:43

LOL... yeah... I'm back
I'm in the second week of my... 2 weeks vacations xDDD...
Next monday I'll go back to skool u_ú [yeah, school with K xDD]
soooo... I came back with a tutorial... yes... A TUTORIAL!
so... prepare yourself!
oh yeah!... my new adicction is Kingdom Hearts xDDD...
I want KH Final Mix II ;__;...

All right...


PSP9, Translatable...

Righty... take your base, blah blah blah... you know what to do...
We will have this...

Duplicate your base, desaturate it, and set it to Hardlight 100%

New layer, fill it with #0d374a and set it to Lighten 70% [you can play with the opacity]
New layer, fill it with #dabfbd and set it to Saturation 100% [you can play with this too]

Now... go back to your base and choose parts of the Icon [I choose Fye's eye] and duplicate it, an place it somewhere in you Icon...
Here's what I got

Now... new layer, fill it with white... yes, white xDDD... and paste this brush made by flyawayxx [I think e_e]

Rotate it or something like that xDD

Add brushes, text or whatever you want, now...

Add this gradient [I don't know who made it] and change the opacity to 70% and... Finished...

You can change colors, brushes, add textures, text to make it better...
I'll be glad to see your results... and hope you like this tutorial =)
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