15 facts n stuff!

Dec 17, 2010 02:01

1 [ canon ] Saved two weeks of lunch money to make her Robin costume. :>
2 [ canon ] Her parents didn't ever really notice that she'd run away to go fight crime with Batman, as much as wonder one night if they used to have a daughter or not. They're usually stoned/tripping.
3 [ headcanon ] Thanks to said excellent role models of parents, she hates any kind of mind-altering substance and loses respect for anyone that does it.
4 [ headcanon ] JUST ONE MORE PARENTS THING, she's not very sympathetic to anyone with sad parent stories, because she has absolutely no empathy for parental connections.
5 [ canon enough ] Yeah, she totally signed up to be Robin because it sounded like a great adventure. It's gotten more serious since then, though.
6 [ canon ] SHE GOT TO DRIVE THE BAT-TANK. AND FIGHT SUPERMAN WITH IT. Not that the fight lasted long, because he's Superman, but y'know, it was cool.
7 [ headcanon ] She gets really happy whenever someone calls her Robin, because it's like acknowledging that she's good enough to have the right to the name. Nevermind that most people don't know what that means. :|a Also nevermind that she doesn't usually give out any other names to call her...
8 [ headcanon ] Yeah. She totally expresses affection by stalking. Hey, it's a compliment if you're interesting enough to be stalked!
9 [ factoid ] She's way more paranoid and cautious in sirenspull than she is in canon (or in paradisa, or even capeandcowl), because. Well. She was brought to a strange city with no Batman and like all of his rogue galley, and she's just one Robin. 8( It's why she sticks to text almost all of the time.
10 [ headcanon ] She doesn't really mind the gender confusion in canon. People can totally call her a Boy Wonder if they want to! Gender's not too important to her, either way.
11 [ factoid ] She's a hobo in Sirens Port. She's way too paranoid to ever put her name on any leases or anything, not to mention she's a 14-year-old kid. So she just camps out in abandoned buildings -- a new one every day.
12 [ canon ] When she's stressed or under pressure, her slang becomes practically incomprehensible. "Oh, real coo -- like all fan -- like Goodyear there won't dust me -- before the doll does the maximum flash --" What.
13 [ headcanon ] Homecooked meals are a rarity for her. Rarity as in she's never had them before. good cooking, what is that 8|a
14 [ canon ] She really doesn't take orders well. But at least she waits until you're out of sight to disobey them.
15 [ headcanon ] She finds it a little hard sometimes to balance her natural excitement and enthusiasm with the duties of being a sneaky and secretive Robin, especially around SP where things are so much more dangerous. THERE'S SO MUCH SHE WANTS TO FANGIRL. BUT SO MANY WAYS TO GET KILLED. What's a Robin to do. 8(

robin, meme

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