(no subject)

May 17, 2005 21:04

Dearest Friends,

Yesterday I went on a bodacious journey to the far away city of Cleveland.
The intent of the trek was to see The Faint and Bright Eyes.
It was pretty amazing.

I made a marvelous sign and proudly displayed it on the passenger-side window of Jacqui's car. It read:
Let me tell you, truckers really love The Faint.

The city of Cleveland is kind of lame.
There are eight million roads with the same name, some roads on AAA maps don't actually exist, and practically every road has multiple names.
We drove around the city looking for exciting things to do, but quickly realized that Cleveland is not the city of rock n roll, but secretly the city of office buildings.

We decided to drive to Lake Erie. For some unknown reason, I was put in charge of directions. For anyone that hasn't driven around with me, or been to the mall with me, or actually, been anywhere with me, please note that during my time spent in the womb, I played a rousing game of sitbeingababy instead of developing an inner-compass.
We ended up driving through the ghetto, where Sean, Leslie, and Lauren played a game they liked to call "Find The White People." I think the object is pretty self-explainatory.
PS: No one won.

Enough of that dribble...

When we drove back to The Agora to stand in line/die of excitement, we encountered a not-very-wonderful surprise. The previously empty sidewalk out front was now occupied by hundreds of people, possibly harboring over one million cans of hair spray.
The show itself was excellent.
Mars Black was the opener, and boy, were they out of place. Rappers amidst a sea of scenesters?! No, I actually think I would have had a dandy time booty-dancing/Eminem-in-8-mile-hand-wiggling had I known the lyrics to their songs.
The Faint was stupendous, duh, apart from the fact that I almost died. Everyone surged forward in a great wave and I found myself being supported by other people, and not my own feet. I remember calling out, "Where's my rape whistle?! fweeeet!" before deciding to turn around and get myself out of that orgy mess. I really wanted to wait it out, because hey, it's The Faint, but I seriously feared for my personal well-being. It was hell getting out of there, too.
I found myself a wonderful little place on the stairs though, and I had my own little dance party. The people by me no doubtedly wanted to punch me in the face, but whatever, they were ugly. And from the stairs I could also see the projectors and the band, so I won.
Bright Eyes was good. Some fangirl made a poster that said "Marry me, Conor!" and that made everyone want to die, but other than that, it was a good concert. It was also Mike Mogis' birthday and everyone sang to him and it was cute.

The Faint show last October was far superior dance-party-wise, but this show was pretty exciting.

Oh, and of all things, the girls standing next to us during Mars Black were from Troy. WHAT ARE THE ODDS?! We drove three friggen hours to stand next to some kids from the same city as us. One of the girls went to Oakland, even. It's a small world.

Today I was really cranky and I ate a bowl full of gelatinous meat-goop.
The end.

I really never intended this post to be so long, but I got carried away.
& when I'm really tired I dump everything out of my adjective jar, so shut up.
& apparently my really bad analogy jar, too.

For photographs, please refer to Kim's post.
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