Dec 07, 2004 21:42
Today, Tuesday December 7th , 7:55 AM, Is The 63 Anniversary of the Bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Today was an awful day for history
and an awful day for me. I walked into a wall 4 times today fell coming
down the stairs twice, fell going up the stairs, fell going up the
risers in choir, walked into a door twice, and fell out of bed this
morning.And i had choir test today in front of the whole class it was a
little scary. The only thing that made me happy was talking to ashley
in History.
Yesterday i found out that My Dear
Sweet Stephanie Rose sucks at life and isn't even cool enough to work
at CVS! that was one of the best parts of my day. And the other good
part of my day was that my mom got its a wonderful life and White
Christmas on DVD !! i was so excited. im going to go now because im
contacts are bugging me and i have to take then out.
I'll Never Forget The Night We Shared