Oct 21, 2012 22:57
No guarantees you'll get the answers you wanted.
Edit: 2:22 am: I grew up in a primarily conservative town, as a unique individual in a crowd full of Abercrombie and Fitch junkies, so I have quite a bit against republicans. If it's something different, and they don't understand it, they're against it. Thanks to republicans in NC, they now have a law on the books saying the only union they recognize is marriage. Which means women who had restraining orders against abusers they weren't married to? Lost them. Couples who were happily unwed with children? Lost their benefits, that some of them desperately need. There was already a law on the books prohibiting gay marriage, and there had been for many, MANY years, Ammendment 1 was not needed. Republicans, from my experience, are closed minded bigots with an overload of so-called "morals". I once heard one of them say "you can't be Christian and pro-choice". Well, you know what? You can't be a republican and say you're for women's rights. Not if you support the kind of bullshit they spew. Also, this thing about putting God back in everything, and saying that your religion defines who you are. I'm a spiritual Christian, which means I don't go to church. I see no need to do that when I can study a Bible at home. And, the last time I took a civics class, I passed that motherfucker with flying colors. There is no place for your religion in the state house, and I'm sick and tired of having morals I don't subscribe to shoved down my throat because of the radical conservatism in this country. That's what I love about being a Democrat and furthermore a staunch liberal, I believe in live and let live. As in, you stay the fuck out of my uterus, and my bedroom, and stop telling other people how to live their lives. Short answer: I think they're overbearing cunts who don't know how to mind their own business. =]