News in my life... Heh
I saw a preview showing of
Miss March -- am I allowed to talk about it here? I want to. Heh. It doesn't come out until march 14. Maybe I'll wait until then. What are the laws surrounding this?
I really want to go to a transgender 101 lesson/event on campus held by the LGBT center during the last week of march, but I have class during the session. They always schedule their ally-targeted events at times when I have classes. Grrrr! Maybe I'll skip class; this is important.
Running... why is running so much harder for me on a treadmill? I've run outside for 40 minutes at a stretch, but today I ran on a treadmill and felt pretty wiped out by 30 minutes. I don't think I was going any faster. Maybe I just get so bored staring at the walls that every second feels like it crawls. It just surprises me because everyone else claims treadmill running is easier. I can also do a pull-up again. Apparently when I said I couldn't do one before, I just wasn't trying hard enough.
It's spring break! My mom got me presents (she always gets me presents when I come home!) of lotion, body butter, body mist, and an orange polo. I've been wearing nothing but cotton tshirts and gym shorts lately because they're so comfortable and free-flowing and make me feel less critical of my body. How do girls wear tight pants and tight shirts?
Ramble ramble ramble. Sunday is the game that will probably
boast the single highest television ratings of the college basketball season -- DUKE UNC! Unfortunately, UNC is going to be a healthy team, while starter pg nolan smith is out for a concussion, sometimes-starter lance thomas is out for a sprained ankle, and sometimes-starter center brian zoubek has a broken nose and will probably play with a face mask. This game is going to be legendary -- it's tyler hansborough's last game, senior game, and in the same stadium against the same team who broke HIS nose last year :)
I know I talk about basketball a lot and nobody who reads this even cares... but man, since I started watching games on espn360, I CANT STOP WATCHING. Yesterday I watched probably 2-3 games in full (that's 4-6 hours.............BUT that penn 1-pt upset over illinois was exciting!!!!) while doing homework/half assedly studying. I know like, everything about bubble teams and chances and probabilities and records and conferences and who-needs-what-win in time for selection sunday... and it is only starting to escalate now that my dad has sportscenter playing 24/7.
I also went
berry tripping! You put a tablet on your tongue, let it melt, and then for the next 20-30 minutes, everything sour that you eat tastes super sweet. Strawberries taste like they're coated in sugar. Vinegar tastes kind of like juice. fresh lemon tastes like lemonade! And grapefruit tastes like ....well, candied grapefruit. It's SO COOL. I kind of want to buy a 40-pack and take a berry trip a day.
shower and bedtime :]