just a little meme thing
girlwithmohawk's Halloween party:
afireinsideme dressed as Optimus Prime.
alone_april dressed as the President of Anguilla.
angelfuk138 dressed as Zachary Taylor.
aragirn dressed as a can of motor oil, and it suited them all too well.
atariassassin dressed as Kurt Cobain.
broken_points didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
colderthanever dressed as Anna Paquin.
damnit_janet dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Chim-Chim Lizardsquirt".
emisery dressed as a character from "Judgment at Nuremberg".
eternal420sigh dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Amateur Wizard.
fabulous999 dressed as a Level 10 barbarian.
hazel_bite dressed as a gold skeleton.
irishbabe115 dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
jane_doe011 dressed as Robert Downey Jr..
jester9113 dressed as a pitcher for the Red Sox.
josh13666 dressed as the Happy Power Ranger.
jynxj dressed as a resistance.
ki11_m3 dressed as Wolfgang Puck riding a bear.
lasciviousdoll gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as a cup of coffee.
lint018 dressed as a 1970's disco child.
o_bee_city dressed as a vapor tower.
paulhatred333 dressed as a cigarette.
plastikvixen dressed as a executive software reinstaller.
psycho_phill dressed as a squirrel.
rckstrism dressed as a hat.
ruthlessteen dressed as something successive, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
seaoftears dressed as a bottle of Gutaselidiol.
skydivingparrot dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Paige.
subversivesukha dressed as the Viscount of Marlon Bay.
sugarbushdotcom dressed as the Cardinal of Stixnix, though it looked more like a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Merry Pupil.
thegirlreverend dressed as a new superhero: Magna- Q.
timmyslo85 dressed as a goblin.
urimaginated dressed as Katherine Heigl, and it suited them all too well.
watdahookgonbe dressed as Chevy Chase.
Throw your own party at the
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phpNonsense Some of those are pretty funny...especially if you knew the people. hehe