Mar 06, 2004 08:16
ehhhhhhhhhhh im sick! thanks carly hehe just kidding. Anyways we went to concert FBA yesterday which was the single most important event apart from marching FBA that bands do. Well anyways the concert band (which I am in) received straight goods, just like last year and we received excelents in the sight reading. I was pleased with the exclents but i think everyone was a little dissapointed in the goods, and then the symphonic band received straight goods with 1 exclent in sight reading. That was total crap though because they were so much better than us and they should have gotten at the least straight excelents! But what can you do I guess.
Well today I am off to work and then after that I am heading towards University parkway to see if I can get Jessica's birthday gift. Then I am off to her house after picking my dad up from the airport! sp busy busy busy day! Plus the fact my nose won't stop running and my throat is read raw....ehhhhhhhhh save me = ( . Anyways I'm goina go get ready for a lovly day at work...NOT...
And i'm out, like a fat kid in dodge ball = ) <--thanks Frank