He is a liar. He's also a moron, but mostly a liar. A lying moron, basically. I did not break into his house. I kicked the door down only because he was being attacked by a rejected extra from Little Shop of Horrors and I'm not the type of person who can stand by and watch people getting hurt. That's all. So yeah, he's ungrateful, but I'm not in this for the thank yous. I'll still save his butt when he needs it. I'll just deal with the whining and the lies.
That said... Bill, Ted? I took the batteries out the fire alarm. And we kind of need a new couch. And a new coffee table. And a new rug.
Amory, by the way, you owe us all that new stuff. You just had to annoy me on a curse day. Couldn't you have waited until tomorrow start with me?
[ooc: Amory pissed her off for something or the other. What else is new?]