The accident...

Sep 24, 2006 01:13

There is so much to write about. So much has happened, so much has changed.

Not this last Thursday but the Thursday before that, I went to get my new car. It was amazing. The car had been cleaned up and I was so ecstatic. My first car!! I was such a lucky girl. I follow my Dad around the parking lot to go to dinner. He turned left before me, and I stopped and waited for the traffic. I looked and made sure it was clear and then started to turn left. Well I never made it. A Jeep on my left which hadn't been there .05 seconds before came out of nowhere and ran into me. The force forced me into a car at the crossroad. I was terrified. My first accident and only about 30 seconds after getting my first car. I just screamed and screamed. I cried the whole afternoon. I cried when my Dad came running over, I cried when the police arrived, I cried while calling AAA, I cried while I called my Mom, I cried while my car was towed away. I don't think I've ever cried so much. I was so thankful to have my Dad there with me. He handled everything with the police and the other drivers. I just can't imagine what he was thinking as he saw the accident in his rearview mirror. Thankfully, I and the other people involved in the accident weren't hurt in anyway. It is a blessing I came out of the accident without a scratch. Someone was looking out for me. God must want me to be here, for me to walk away so easily. So I take everyday as a blessing now.

This past week we have been arguing with the insurance company trying to get things figured out. They finally determined that the damage on my car was worth more than what we paid for the car. So it is "totaled" I didn't think the damage was that bad on it. It was just the driver's side door and the front panel. When I first found out I was very upset. I again started the whole screaming and crying routine, but luckily Grey's Anatomy saved me. (Which by the way, was AMAZING) On Friday the insurance company finally called my Mom and told me that it was settled, that I was going to get a check to buy a new car. I don't know how much the check is going to be for, but the insurance lady said we would be "happy" with the amount.  I hope the check comes soon, and then we can find a decent car, then I won't have to be dependent on my parents and other people for rides.

I would like to thank the friends of mine who helped me through this week. I know I wasn't the happiest person, but I tried to be as positive as possible. I haven't been sleeping the same since the accident, but I am really going to try to change it this week, so by the end of this coming week I won't be Debbie Downer, or Negative Nelly, or Insecure Isabel.

And to the friends who didn't seem at all concerned that I was in an accident, well, I simply don't know what to say. Maybe it is just the distance, but I wish you had seemed a little more concerned...
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