Feb 06, 2006 11:57
This quite possibly the most incoherent, weird, heady thing I have written for school. I was asked to write a personal statment of my career goals and personal goals for my Journalism 100 class. As long as we wrote anything near 500 words we would recieve an A. So I just wrote...
Growing up a suburban youth, I have always felt a sense of being stuck between the intense, concrete influences of the city and the wholesome, natural features of the country side and this can be viewed as a fairly truthful microcosm of how and when my personal goals interact with my career goals. To me, life in the country runs parallel alongside the ambitions and reasons I hold for living. This is not to say that I would take pleasure in work on a farm; it is more an analogous explanation that the quest for contentment and wellbeing in life are at the top of my list. Money is death. The day that acquisition of cash is my number one priority, is the day I wish to die. I am of course correlating the pursuit of money with life in the city; isn’t the only reason one occupies a city dwelling is to acquire a high-quality job? But again, I am not condemning life in the city. I thoroughly believe I will inhabit a large city soon after I receive my degree because quite frankly large cities are the only thriving places for a journalist looking to make change in the world. And while I am being, well, quite frank, I’d like to say that I don’t expect anyone to grasp my ideas of country and city life. There’s a personal goal wrapped up in a career goal right there: I want to get the ideas out of my head and onto paper in words that one can comprehend. The fact is my head is filled philosophies, judgments, and schemes about almost everything in the world that I am aware of, and I often can’t get those thoughts on paper in a concise manner. Let’s go back to the city, country inspiration. I have realized through the writing of this personal statement that my central purpose in life is to alter society. Now to actually use the city, country idea in a constructive manner, I plan to continuing living stuck between the two influences. I feel this gives me a potent amalgamation of a quest for contentment like the lone rancher on the mountain, while in pursuit of influence like the daunting advertisements in Times Square; all while maintaining a sort of sideline “hobby” of collecting money to live on. To continue the stuck in the middle approach to my personal and career goals in a specific manner, I want to write about music. Music, to me, is an immeasurable, almost sacred form of expression. To put it plainly, music is at the polar opposite end of the spectrum from science; it’s not absolute and writing in a journalistic template is closer to science than music on that spectrum. So to go along with my theories on country life and city life and to parallel my suggestion from the first sentence of this essay, it is quite obvious that I will be mixing the wholesome, natural features of music with the intense, concrete characteristics of writing coherently. As you can tell this wasn’t well thought out, but what you have in black ink on this paper is truly me.