Jul 28, 2005 11:20
And no promises about keeping this up, but I am going to update today. Picked a new format that I like better. Soon I will be back in Boston more permanently and moving probably into a new place... near Central or somewhere in Brookline. I have to be able to walk to BU everyday - at least I would like that. I prefer walking to driving and public transportation. Central would be best, so I can enjoy being closer to everyone and use the co-op... but is there a Peet's Coffee in walking distance?? Things I am going to be doing besides Grad school:
conversion to Judaism, somewhere (shul shopping)
looking for good live music
getting ready for the Wedding, of course!
rock climbing at Metro Rock
A few weeks ago I completed 82 miles on the Long Trail/AT with Haiku. My trail name: Pickle. So I guess it is my choice of what to do next - finish the Long Trail or plug away at the AT. Next summer I'll be in Maine, so I plan to do sections of the AT while there. By the way, thru hikers are awesome. I don't think I have ever smelled so bad, but I didn't actually smell other thru hikers, just the clean people, who smelled of chemicals - ah, the wonderful smell of civilization. I smelled like vinegar and dirty socks, or something like that.
But, the trip was exactly what I needed, being an ex-filthy hippie. I guess the hippie/crunchy gene can be masked temporarily, but not removed. I got hiker hunger which has not gone away yet - essentially the need to feed all the time. Last weekend I went on an overnight canoe trip with mr.coat in the Adirondacks which helped keep my nature spirit happy. My loon studies post-trip are amusing to mr.coat. Loons can dive up to 240 feet and are the only birds with solid bones, helping them to sink. By the way, I need the smell of cedars on mountain tops.