Title: Playing Pavlov
Fandom: Transformers (2007)/Transformers Kiss Players elements
Carol: Joy to the World
Era: N/A
Pairing/Characters: Mikaela Barnes/Maggie Madsen, implied Mikaela/Bumblebee
UWarnings: N/A
Length: 267 words (fail!)
Disclaimer: All characters created and owned by Hasbro/Takara
Advent Calendar!! Mikaela Banes wasn't sure about this whole 'kiss play' technology deal. She wasn't particularly shy about her feelings for Bumblebee nor the prospect of getting up close and personal with the giant robot but she failed to really understand how a kiss could improve his physical qualities.
She licked her lips nervously and looked across at the woman sitting opposite her.
"Look, you're going to have to work with me here," she sighed, leaning back in her swivel chair. "I'm just not getting what this is supposed to be about."
The woman in the other chair ran a hand through her untidy blonde hair and smiled.
"It's simple," she beamed, leaning forwards. "It's just a simple interpretation of feeding sensory stimuli to a subject to increase performance rate. It's no different to what Pavlov was trying to do."
Mikaela arched a single eyebrow.
"Pavlov?" She questioned.
"Russian psychologist." Maggie Madsen smiled back in return. "Maybe it would be best if I just showed you rather than tried to explain."
Before Mikaela could protest, Maggie slid forwards from her chair and onto her knees, gently slipping her hand into the dark curls of Mikaela's hair and leaning forwards to kiss her.
Mikaela felt her heart pound and a sudden excitement uncurl in the pit of her stomach.
Gently, Maggie lifted her lips and smiled.
"You see what I mean? You're probably feeling a lot better about yourself right now than you were five minutes ago, right?"
Mikaela Barnes smiled deviously.
"I think maybe you need to show me that again."
Maggie smiled knowingly and leant forwards once again.