Apr 10, 2004 01:55
WILL: Am I a bad gay man?
WILL: How can you answer that so easily?
GRACE: Because yesterday when I saw that you didn't leave me any milk for my coffee, I remember saying, "Bad gay man! Bad gay man!"
WILL: It's just that...Jack said this thing about how there are 15 Will Trumans.
GRACE: Oh, that's so wrong.
WILL: Thank you.
GRACE: There are at least 25... If you include Grumpy Morning Will and Disco Will and Sublimate His Rage With Cashmere Will--
WILL: Ok, this is-- this is absurd. Maybe I don't wear my sexuality like a sash and a tiara the way Jack does, but I am willing to put my gayness up against anybody's. [BEAT] Um... You know what I mean.
p.s: evelyn is here !! just...downstairs on my daddy's computer hehehe i lover you evelyn !!