Oct 06, 2006 12:32
Seems as though I took a rather long hiatus from lj. ENDING NOW. For now at least. I just have to say that night was rather bizarre. My intent to not drink and take pictures at Cal-Anderson with Jake was overturned by potage, margaritas and coordinating meetups with various friends. It ended well. And a good time was had by most.
I stayed out much too late and as Hen's dad always says "nothing good happens after midnight." After closing down the Redwood riotus events ensued. Signs were kicked, anti-war slogans were posted, traffic cones were tossed and tossed again, balloons were popped, lovers took advantage and people were punched...repeatedley. And I have the pictures to prove it. It all ended when at three am I found myself covered in sidewalk chalk and listening to some beat poetry from the guy who once sold Cold Duck to Liz and me. I had good dreams though and today is Friday which means I can stay out past the midnight hour without feeling guilty.
Can I just say that I fucking hate my glasses right now and am desperate to get back into contacts.
Ick, Ugly Indie Rock Johnny from last years crappy design class just came and sat down at the computer next to mine. Gross times.
late nights