This is a good one!

Nov 18, 2004 16:33

1. What's on your bedside table?
School--- tissues, Chap Stick, bottle of water, earrings, remote, socks, and bobby pins.
Home--- cup of water, lamp, candles, tissues, hair ties.

2. What's the geekiest part of your music collection?
Aqua CD, Buddy and Hero songs by Disney

3. What do you eat/drink when you raid your fridge at night?
School---Ready whip
Home--- Bologna and cheese sandwich

4. What is your secret guaranteed weeping film?
I have to admit that the film would be Little Women and I always cry when Beth dies, gets me every time!

5. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
I think that I would agree with Becka on this one and say my boobs; they are just too big and get in the way a little to offend.

6. Do you have a completely irrational fear?
It would be needles and crickets cannot stand them, I will even cry!

7. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?
I will play with the bottom of my shirt or my sleeves, and of course bit the nails. But then again I do that when I am in waiting, like in a movie theater for the best part to come.

8. Do you ever have to beg?
ALL the time, wink wink!

9. Do you have too many love interests?
Well who knows these days. :-D!

10. Do you know anyone famous?
No one other than myself, hehehe just kidding!

11. Describe your bed.
School--- The standard bed that the loft company gives you, but then a mattress pad on top of that with a sheet on it then a fitted sheet, then another fitted flannel sheet, the tuck sheet the comforter, a big blanket and then a fleece blanket. With my two pillows and a borrowed from my honey and the armed pillow, then a smiley face pillow and a soccer ball pillow and finally my teddy bear aka teddy!
Home--- A bed made up of sheets, a blanket, and one pillow! *sad face* all the fun stuff is at school

12. Spontaneous or plan?
Have to have those plans…. I know how boring!

13. Who should play you in a movie about your life?
Maybe Julia Roberts or Drew Barrymore, or oh oh oh oh oh Liv Tyler, like from the Lord of the Rings. Wait wait a minute she already did, Liv Tyler= Arwen!

14. Do you know how to play poker?
No not really, wish I did though; it might make life a little more exciting, wink wink.

15. What do you carry with you at all times?
ID and keys.

16. How do you drive?
Sorry to all the blonde-haired people out there that drive well, but yes, I drive like a blonde and unknowing as well as unaware I almost need a sign that says beware of diver!

*side note* favorite bumper sticker--- “Horn broken watch for finger” sorry had a moment **

17. What do you miss most about being little?
Naptime… yes that is right “THE“ mandatory naptime.

18. Are you happy with your given name?
Kinda… Melissa Arwen Kirkpatrick, I never grow to like me as a Melissa, though I know a few good ones. Though I always wanted to be called Mak I guess that it is a good thing that I have the initials that I do.

19. What color is your bedroom?
School--- the same as everyone else.
Home--- sadly white, but soon will be bright red with yellow carpet.

20. What was the last song to which you were listening?
Blue eyes from the garden state soundtrack.

21. Have you ever been in a school play?
Yes, played a doctor in Lil Abner.

22. Have you ever been in love?
Yes… but… the question is have I ever been loved back?

23. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
I do like myself when I am in a good mood and I try to believe in myself but not always easy. But who knows what comes with time.

24. Have you ever done any illegal drugs?
Yes sadly…

25. Do you think you are cute?
Yes, I have my moments.

26. Do you consider yourself a nice person?
I think that I am a nice person when I want to be.

TEN random things about me
10. I like feet
09. Bad with money
08. Hate driving
07. Hate the beach, just too sandy and hot and with pale people, it really does not make for a fun time.
06. Hate cartoons
05. Favorite color is purple
04. Love painted finger and toe nails
03. My eyes change color, Blue, Green, or Gray.
02. Wish I were a red head
01. Hate things that float it is just weird.

NINE Places I've Visited
05. Live a very boring life, never go anywhere! *sad face*
01 Have been to Disney World.

EIGHT Things I want to do before I die
05. Wow not a lot that I want out of life.
03. Go to Paris
02. Be Loved
01. Get married

SEVEN Ways to win my heart
07. Being kind to make.
06. Being loving towards me.
05. Holding close me when I am down.
04. Being my friend.
03. Hold my hand
02. Breakfast-in-bed on a cold snowy winter day.
01. Warm socks in winter

SIX Things I believe in
05. Dad
04. Seth
03. Amber
02. Reilly
01. Me, most of the time

FIVE Things I'm afraid of
05. “It”
04. Snakes
03. Spiders
02. Needles
01. Crickets

FOUR of my Favorite Items in my bedroom
04. My teddy bear.
03. My borrowed pillow
02. My roomie
01. My computer… I know I am a nerd

THREE Things I do everyday
03. Talk on line
02. Read email
01. Go to the bathroom

TWO Things I am trying not to do right now
02. Homework for history class.
01. Look at Seth

ONE Person I want to see right now
01. My Mom
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