Girls Today: Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Mar 28, 2007 13:19

Ficlets and Drabbles
bitterfig wrote Console. Luna/Tonks. PG.
bitterfig wrote The Kiss Good-bye. Bellatrix/Tonks, Bellatrix/Andromeda implied. PG-13.
bitterfig wrote Deny. Tonks, Bellatrix/Andromeda. PG-13.
tattooedsappho wrote At the Pub. Tonks/Ginny. G.
tattooedsappho wrote Past is Past. Tonks/Ginny. G.

emei wrote and drew Puppet. Bellatrix/Pansy. NC-17, warnings.

Anonymous drew A Moment. Ginny/Tonks. NWS.
orgasmicspork drew Bellatrix/Pansy. NWS, warnings.

orgasmicspork began Frankie Love with part 1. Hermione/Pansy. NC-17.
redbeargirl updated Witches in Times with Chapter 10: The Calm Before. Hermione/Ginny. PG.

Reminder: alien_altars is a cliche femslash fest. Sign up to write your favorite pairing--you know you've always wanted to see them forced to huddle together for warmth, or abducted by pervy aliens, or offered up as virgin sacrifices! See the post for details and the full list of cliche prompts.
hp_girlslash is updating its beta list.

el_em_en_oh_pee is having a femslash friending meme.
tattooedsappho made a McGonagall/Hooch colorbar.

If you have tips/links, please comment or send them to!


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