Nov 23, 2003 12:31
So I'm busy standing by the bar really, as I often do in these kind of situations. It's not that I don't want to dance with Faith, it's just I don't really think anyone needs to see the great spaz show. It's not something I really like showing everyone, so I don't.
I'm getting cozy with a cocktail actually twirling my umbrella in the drink slightly and then I felt a tap on my shoulder, Faith's familiar fingertips. "Hey Red, how's the drink?"
I turned around and saw her with a very tall Blond woman. "Oh you know it's got that twirly umbrella thing, so I'm good." I quirked a brow at the woman before me and then at Faith. I didn't want to get jealous but you know pretty blond girl in front of me, how could I not? "I've seen you found a dance partner."
Faith cocked her head to the side. "Oh Will, pipe down it's not what you think. Blondie over here has a tall tale to tell us, doncha?"
The woman leaned forward. "My name's Natalie and yes and I'm hoping we can go somewhere and talk about all of this that's a little less dance oriented."
I took a deep breath and put my drink down. I felt less comforted about some strange gal wanting to take us somewhere, that I'm thinking was quiet but maybe a bit dangerous. "Alright, I guess so."
And with that we left. We began to take a walk, there was a coffeehouse not too far from the bar so we sauntered on in. Lucky it seemed kind of empty. I guess that's what happens when it's late at night. I kind of felt suspicious about the whole thing. Not that I have some Slayer sense, but something was very strangely going on.
"Do you girls want anything?" Natalie gave us a broad smile.
I shifted my eyes. "Um, the truth maybe."
"I meant coffee, but ok."
Faith sighed. "Quit with the delayin' lady and just tell us what the hell is going on?"
Natalie moved to a booth and we followed and sat down. "Well now, Charlie did mention you were a straight to the point gal."
I blinked. "Charlie? Charlie who?"
"I guess I should explain. Willow," she started. I thought how does she know my name, but I didn't interrupt. "My name is Natalie and I'm an angel. I work for Charlie along with two of my best friends, Dylan and Alex. Dylan and Alex have gone missing and we need your help to get them back."
Again with the blinking I did. "Wait, Charlie's Angels? As in the 1970s television show where Farrah Fawcett ran around with bad hair?"
Natalie gave me a grin. "Sort of. It's all real though. I swear."
"But why us?" I asked curiously. I can see why Faith wouldn't believe her. I mean this was almost too incredible to believe myself but then again after everything I've seen over the years, hello, demons, vampires and apocalypses, I guess this wasn't out of the ordinary.
"Because Charlie believes that the both of you are so capable of finding them, what with Faith being the only Slayer left and you being the most powerful witch and computer hacker we've seen. Will you help?"
I swallowed and Faith shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "See Red, told you she's full of shit."
Natalie's jaw dropped and I grabbed Faith by the hand. "Can I answer you in a second. Faith can I have a word with you?"
Faith shot me a glare. "Why do we have to go?"
I narrowed my brow. "Because you and I need a discussion. Now. Privately!" and before she had a chance to say another word, I took her by the hand and walked her to the bathroom and I folded my arms.
"Geez Willow what's with the icy cold stares?"
"Why do you have to be so rude about all of this, it's obvious she needs her help."
Faith took her hand to her chest. "Excuse me for being a little on the cautious side. Red, we don't know if this girl is being a bit with the loonie or if she really needs our help. Come on, Charlie's Angels, I may have spent some time in prison, but even I know that's a whack job."
"And I suppose fighting demons and vampires and fending off your life isn't?" I tilted my head. "Something tells me this girl isn't lying, because why would she go to all this trouble. At the very least we can investigate and if it turns out to be not what we thought then we can go. There's no harm in that."
She shook her head at me. "Fine but if you think I'm putting on platform shoes and feathering my hair you got another thing comin' Red."
I rolled my eyes. "I really doubt we're going to have to do that."
We left the bathroom and there Natalie was still sitting there. "Have you come to a decision?"
I nodded. "Yup. We'll help."
Natalie smiled at us wide. "Great! Meet me at this house tomorrow," she handed us an address. "Charlie will be more than happy to discuss details with us."