my battle wounds

Aug 13, 2005 19:11

I'm the biggest baby in the world when it comes to shots...and the pictures don't do the black and blue justice.

Anyways...the more I think about it and look into it, the more renting a cabin sounds fun! but only one with a hot tub if no hot tub then I say we all pitch in and buy a tent. That could be fun too but getting drunk and sitting in a hot tub sounds pretty good. I'm excited. Lo, I hope you for some reason change your mind and manage to come out. (You hardly ever go out of town and it would be a great way to start off the school year) If there is anything I can do to help you change your mind I'll do anything!!!! Serious, No pressure though, I understand if you have prior engagements.
I'm so looking forward to moving and getting back into school.I'm soooo not looking forward to the scope of my stomach that I have to be put out for. How sad is it the it's like 9 on a sat. night and I'm home and will probably be asleep in 20 minutes.........
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