it started out as a feeling which then grew into a hope,
which then turned into a quiet thought, which then turned into a quiet word.
and then that word grew louder and louder 'til it was a battle cry.
i'll come back when you call me... no need to say goodbye.
--regina spektor, "the call."
that song is so perfect! D: i'm not even much of a fan of regina spektor, but as soon as i heard it on the movie it almost had me weeping, it's so beautiful.
surprise, surprise! another long post, full of lj-cuts ^^;;; i'm one in a million, i swear... feel free to skip stuff.
fanfiction update:
from a narnia fanfic that i've just started...
She walked slowly up to the green summit, the comforting breeze blowing her hair and making her skirts tangle lightly against her legs. The song of the birds accompanied her as she moved, and a warm smile drew itself on her lips as she came closer to the figure standing quietly among the lush grass at the top.
The man turned towards her when he heard her approach, his previously calm expression now changing into one of amazement, joy... and much reverence, as it always did whenever his eyes swept over her regal silhouette. She glided to him with her characteristic poise, the set of her shoulders belying the strength she possessed, while the colors of the sunset behind her softened her gorgeous features. She wordlessly moved to stand directly in front of him, and he could not contain his grin as her azure eyes met his coffee-colored ones.
They stood there in silence for what felt like a long time. Sometimes she would duck her gaze, as the intensity of his eyes on her never ceased to make her heart flutter, and it made a part of her want to giggle in a most undignified way. He, on the other hand, was quite unaware of any discomfort on her part, as entranced as he was with the glow in her eyes, and the lovely blush in her cheeks, and the way her dark hair contrasted against the pale skin of her shoulders. Not a sound was exchanged, mainly because neither knew quite how to start this conversation, and both were quite comfortable simply basking in the other's presence after all these years of not seeing each other.
However, it was not in the Queen's nature to stand in awkwardness, and so she broke the stillness. Her voice carried on to him, soft, but somehow still heard clearly over the sounds of nature around them. "It feels like we've been here before," she said, her smile amused and a bit sheepish as she recalled another point in time in which they'd stood similarly, unsure of what to say. Her expression turned a little nostalgic as she reminisced. "But it was a goodbye, then."
"But it is not a goodbye now," he said, his voice as smooth as she remembered it. He took one step closer to her, and her breath almost caught in her throat. "Never again a goodbye." His hand moved forward to softly nudge one of hers. Her own fingers returned the light carress, a movement so small that it was almost indiscernible, but that they both keenly felt.
Her gaze lowered to their barely entwined hands, amazedly wondering at the tingling she felt where their skins met, and in her mind thinking of all they'd had to go through to get to this point. Their history wasn't one of a grand, epic love that overcame all obstacles and became everlasting-- but oh, how the supposedly simple feelings came back to warm her all over, and surely it only took a second for infatuation and affection to grow into something magical. She was thinking this might be it.
i have no idea where i'm going with this, if it even has a point at all (talk about doomed love) but i'm liking it so far. which is nothing short of a miracle. so i'll keep going.
weather update:
the rainy season has definitely started now! \o/ the temperature's gone down. only problem now is that... it's cold! D: *shivers* and yeah, before you can yell at me that 24 C is warmer than normal room temperature and WTF is wrong with my afferent nerve endings, i will remind you that i HAVE mentioned that i prefer being hot to being cold. and anything under 25 C is pretty much cold in these latitudes. can't the weather just find a middle ground? i'd be happy with 29-30 but noooo, there's no compromise with this crazy, post-global warming world. and i guess i'm just a chronic complainer. please don't throw stuff at me, friends, i can't help it ^^;;;
reading update:
1. dresden series: storm front done.
2. CSIM: harm for the holidays: heart attack done
3. caballo de troya 8 --> on it.
4. twilight
5. HBP, again
6. la hermandad de la sabana santa
7. the rest of the dresden books
300 pages into CTD8, and things are actually moving pretty fast. jason has amiloidosis! xD three guesses what that reminds me of, and the first two don't count. hey, at least it's not lupus ;) the boys are back together with jesus, and i think eliseo made a move on jesus' younger sister, with the approval of the holy family, it seems. but as it turns out, eliseo is really a sneaky little bastard, changing the password for the crib and leaving them stuck in the past until they can get over their issues about ruth. and with this thing about him stealing the holy family's DNA, turns out he's like a secret, SECRET spy for the US government or something. which i think is cool, actually, as much as jason wants to wring his neck for it and call him a traitor. i like eliseo, he's cute in that "young and reckless" kinda way. and jason, as much as i heart him for this being HIS story, is kinda stupid. and he's the narrator, but he's kind of a crappy one-- though i'm not sure if i should be blaming him or jj benitez for that ^^;;; lol. anyway, stuff is beginning to happen and i think the baptism is coming soon, which should be absolutely interesting.
la hermandad de la sabana santa... i don't even know what it's about (well, something religious, duh), but i gotta read it because my best friend gave it to me for christmas. has anybody out there read it? anyone? (well, i guess you gotta be latin american...)
i thought about reading the narnia books, since i like the movies so much and the premiere of the PC movie has made me be all about narnia these days (i'm sure you could guess by the song at the beginning of the post)... but i'm really afraid to do that, for some reason. in my mind i keep equating it to the lord of the rings series and i fear that for some reason i won't be able to get through the first book... much like it happened with fellowship of the ring, which is still at a standstill on chapter 6 and is probably never to be finished. my friends, whenever i tell them the story of my problem with LotR, think it's hilarious; but to me it's a bit of a tragedy, really. i generally get through books no matter what, but that one just beat me =/ i know the narnia books are "for kids" and should technically be an easier read, but i just don't want the same thing to happen... maybe i'll just stick to the movies...
random celebs update:
great, so pete wentz can freakin' MARRY ashlee simpson after only being with her for, like, two months. not his brightest moment, IMO, but whatever-- if they're happy, that's fine (i loved their picture with pete's dog on the cover of people). what bothers me is that it's all so fast and definitive for them, but then jesse and jen are together for three years and they DON'T get married? life is so unfair >.<
david beckham was on snoop dogg's reality show. oh, how the mighty have fallen. *shakes head*
RL update:
a couple of days ago, there was an accident here in panama city-- a government helicopter malfunctioned and crash-landed smack in the middle of the city, in a commercial zone known as calidonia, right on a department store slash warehouse, at about 2 in the afternoon (when the traffic of people in the area is very high). the building caught on fire immediately, it took the firemen four to five hours just to put it out, let alone go inside and deal with the dead bodies. 12 people were in the chopper, only 1 survived. among the dead, there were 6 visitors from chile (a rather high-up general, his wife and his helpers). many people who were in the area when the chopper crashed were hurt, as well. as of this moment it's unknown whether there were casualties outside those who were in the chopper.
horrible tragedy, no doubt about it. panama hasn't seen anything the likes of this before, not right in the city at the very least. what bugs me most is that what when it first happened, people actually flooded INTO the area, regardless of the authorities' orders to stay out and let them do their jobs. i understand that some people were concerned over the possibility that their relatives or loved ones were caught in the crash, but for god's sake, some people took chairs with them and sat on the sidelines just to watch. the area didn't really clear until the firefighters finally got around to security-taping about four blocks surrounding the building. i understand it's a mighty impressive sight, but really, what the heck? if you're not going to help, get the hell out and let the civil protection people save lives! don't stay around if you're just going to be in the way, it's just ridiculous.
and that's not even the worst of it. some disgusting little weasels thought it'd be a great idea to make use of the commotion to rob those few stores that were still open. i'm serious, people are freaking out on the street and these guys are storming into the stores, guns in hand, yelling at cashiers to give them all the money. STEALING! while there's a freakin' building in FLAMES just a block away from them! this is INSANE. jesus christ, what the hell is wrong with people these days? *shakes head*
aaaaand, the phoenix is finally on mars! yay! ^.^
tv update:
has anyone seen the BBC's documentary feature, "seven ages of rock"? wow, that's an incredible show. a couple of sundays ago, i practically stayed seven straight hours not moving from my couch, just watching it. it was really very complete-- i mean, from the beatles, going through david bowie down to metallica and up to oasis and franz ferdinand-- and very entertaining and compelling for rock lovers like me. i hope it comes out on DVD someday... i mean, i'm downloading it as i type this, of course, but it's really one of those shows that deserves me buying a DVD.
also, i caught two separate snippets of CSI: first, in CSINY, the scene where lindsay tells danny that she loves him but that he's pushed her away after ruben sandoval died. how sad is that? i almost started to sympathize with danny but then when the episode re-aired and i got to see it from the beginning, turns out he's been cheating on her with ruben's mother! WTF, messer! dude, way to be a bastard! that's it, i don't love him anymore B( and then the second scene i caught was the last five minutes of one of the CSIM episodes i haven't seen-- horrible luck, though, it turned out to be no more than an eric/calleigh scene. i'm guessing after she's rescued (or rescues herself, i don't even know what happened), they're inside the hummmer and he's telling her that he didn't know what he'd do if something happened to her. i mean, seriously, of ALL scenes i had to catch on TV... it HAD to be that one... *sigh* *shakes head*
memes update: someone (i think it was heather) tagged me to do this handwritting meme a loooooong time ago. so
here you go. big jpg, you've been warned.
sports update:
and on the road to the 2010 world cup, VAMOS PANAMA, dammit! *waves pompoms* you know, i have nothing against argentina or anything-- i know a lot of argentinian people and they're all very nice and lovely, despite the "reputation" of people from their country... but this time even i started getting annoyed. thing is, the argentinian branch of pepsi is having some sort of contest or something, and in one of their tv ads they say that winning the contest is "easier than beating panama with one extra man." WTF, DUDES. RESPECT US, WILL YA? we're not awesome at soccer but it's not like we're the last on the list. we're currently at #60 in the FIFA ranking-- which is rather good, if you ask me. that's above many a world-cup country. and just because you're #1 it doesn't give you the right to patronize us. honestly, if you're going to put down a team, try it with one that doesn't speak your own language at least. because that way they won't find out, duh. i've heard that pepsi apologized to the panamanian football association, but the ad is still airing on cable and heck, if it's pissing ME off you can imagine how everybody else feels. my mom is currently on an anti-pepsi campaign, no kidding... if you ask me, this only makes me hope even harder that panama wins against el salvador in two weeks. ARRIBA LA MAREA ROJA!
i'll be reading all your entries soon! i promise!