EXTRA!!-- leaving again =/

Jan 31, 2008 11:52

okay, i give. someone please tell me what's been happening in CSI miami? i know it's been slow because of the writers' strike, but i haven't seen anything from ep... 6.04? yeah, i think 6.04 onward. i've sure missed a lot.

my brother and i had a bit of a FF7-fest last night. see, after playing most of the game (or, errr, watching my brother play most of the game), i ended up-- surprise, surprise!-- not understanding anything >.< so he looked up the other games, to see if they made things clearer for me. so we watched the opening/ending of crisis core, and we also saw the last order OVA. then we spent a while cruising through wikipedia and reading articles about it. and you know what, i think i get it now! \o/ would you believe i didn't have any idea who zack was? and i DID see him in advent children, i just had no freakin' clue where the heck he'd come from, much less that cloud thought he was zack half the time. see, that's why i liked FF8-- it was straight and to the point, and i got the whole thing after about two tries. but FF7's storyline is so complicated! no WONDER they've had to make all these sequels and prequels and stuff. two days ago, i couldn't have told you what the difference between mako and materia and that stuff, or why sephiroth died but didn't die, or what the hell the whole jenova thing was about. i still haven't really figured out what the point of aerith was-- seems like she got way too much protagonism than she should've, still, but now that i know zack's story, i like her a lot more. and zack's become my new favorite character. and zack/aerith my newest OTP =3 last order was cute, i really liked the animation. i'll have to download it somehow now...

i've been MIA, i'm sorry. my internet was dead for this whole week. (the lack of 'net made me productive, though, because i finished the trio video i'd been working on! =3)

and i'm going to STILL be MIA for a while... i'm going back to my hometown AGAIN tomorrow. because carnival is here, yay! ^.^ i'm excited about it because i've been out of the country for carnival the last three years; it'll be nice to be here again. it was fine, and i can live with the lack of internet & cable for those four days, but then my mom drops a bombshell on me-- "pack enough clothes to last until next saturday!" me: "WHUT! o___o"-- apparently i had forgotten that the week after carnival there's this religious thing that my mom and grandma always go to, so now we have to stay until that's done. i just hope they don't make me walk the procession =/ that would suck. let's hope i can live through the 100+ degrees weather and the lack technology until then. *sigh* i'll be taking my DVDs with me and i have the feeling that i'm going to be watching most, if not all of them.

rl, games: ff7, traveling, tv: csi miami

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