i've written a little these past few days, namely i finished the team gai scene of chapter 2 of
dakaratte that i started
way back when, and i think did fine with it. now i have to go and write a scene that involves a conversation between sakura & kakashi, and up until about a week ago i could completely picture the scene in my head, but now that i can finally write it, it's gone -_-;;; surprise surprise.
from chapter 2 of
Ron looked at the door with a certain amount of trepidation.
It wasn't that he was nervous, per se. He'd been through the "meet the parents" routine before, and Hermione's folks had loved him, so he had no problem with it. It was just that it was the Lovegoods. And as fond as he was of Luna, with them you never quite knew what you were going to get.
He took his wand out of his jacket to trigger the wards and anounce his presence, and promptly jumped ten feet back when the wards shrieked back at him. Oh, yes; their old house might've been destroyed, but Luna and her dad had wasted no time making this one feel like home. In fact, now that he thought about it, if he squinted at it, he could say it almost looked like a bishop's mitre...
His musings were interrupted by an airy voice. "Are you looking for Creeping Borgols? They do live in roofs, but I think ours might be too curved for them; they tend to fall off curved roofs, you know. Their claws are not very strong."
He turned to look at Luna, a bit wide-eyed at first, but then he shook his head to clear it. He couldn't help but chuckle; he thought it was amazing how, with Luna, there always seemed to be a made-up creature for every situation. "Hello, Luna," he greeted, still smiling.
She waved at him. Funny, as he was standing right in front of her. "Hullo. Won't you come in? Lunch is almost ready."
Those were magic words if he'd ever heard them, and so he put aside his doubts and followed her inside.
those borgol things sound like something that came out of star trek. next thing we know, luna will be giving ron a vulcan salute >.<
so i'm horribly unsatisfied with my writing as of this week. it feels like i can only write about one sentence at a time, even when i have entire scenes mapped out in my head; the words just aren't flowing right. and so, i'm looking for inspiration. since i'm still in a musical mood after completing my
evangelion fanmix, i decided to go and find some fanmixes that might help me bring my uncooperative muse back...
so i've spent the last two days listening to stuff from
hhr_fanmix. awesome idea for a community, if i may add. my shipmates are definitely very deep when it comes to BGM ^.^ and i declare that secondhand serenade must be the official h/hr band. it seems like every one of their songs remind people of harry & hermione in some way. it's kinda funny.
when i ran out of pumpkin-flavored fanmixes, i turned to youtube. and lookit what i found!
Click to view
see? she used the clip where they sneak glances at each other in the carriage! so cute! oh, this absolutely made my day xDDD
so now i must beg all those h/hr shippers in my flist for help. could you guys recommend songs that remind you of the pair? any genre/language is fine, though if it's country it might take me some thinking before i listen to it. and i would especially like it if you could point me to your favorite videos of h&h. i would do the search myself but i fear that i might get like 800 pages to sort through ^^;;; again, any genre/language is fine, though i must say those "video fanfics" rather irk me. i would rather that the video be a video and not have the feeling of the song be interrupted by random text in-between clips...
and in a bit of a CSIM random comment, AXN aired 03.24, aka "10-7" yesterday. that episode always breaks my heart. awww, poor calleigh, i just want to hug her sometimes. *hugglez bullet girl* =(