EXTRA!!-- randomness & a buncha memes

Aug 31, 2007 21:05

*glares at the yankees* sure, sweep the red sox at yankee stadium but then go right ahead and be massacred by TAMPA BAY. TAMPA BAY! i mean, 9-1? SERIOUSLY? the sox had better effin' lose against the orioles or i'm gonna be PISSED...

one of my shipmates PLEASE explain to me where the whole "voldemort ships h/hr" thing started? everybody's in on that and i feel excluded ;_;

yesterday my grandpa took my brother and i to the theater. he likes to do that, and i'm usually the one to go with him (i do like theater, but most of the time i go just to humor him), but yesterday he kinda sprung it up on me, so i dragged my brother as well in revenge >BP turns out, the play we were going to see was "anything goes" (the adaptation in spanish). i had no idea what that was, so i went along. turns out, "anything goes" is a musical. and gosh, if you know me, you'll know that i generally hate musicals. very few i have liked. and while the plot of the play was... tolerable enough, the characters were funny, the singing was very good, and i have nothing personal against 30's musical style, it was just... too much. it was good, but only as good as musicals go. and we got there just as it was starting, so we had to sit in the second row. in a musical. as in people singing at the top of their lungs. you can imagine the pain in my head by the time it was over... *cries*

i read the pamphlet thingy thoroughly as i avoided looking directly at the stage lights. you know, one of the producers is the guy who did the reading for the last chapter of HBP at the deathly hallows release party. the guy who said he didn't like ron and hoped he died, and so i hated him? yeah, that one. turns out, he's going to be producing other plays the next year, and one of them is equus. yes, daniel radcliffe's equus. which kind of creeps me out. i mean, i'm sure the play is awesome and whatnot, but considering the controversy it brought up in britain, i don't think this country is ready for it. not by a long shot. so i wonder how that'll come out.


i'm behind in my flist reading, and so i'm behind in a few memes. i'll do them now.


the "facts 'bout me" meme, as tagged by dutchie_1991:

1. list seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. tag seven people to do the same.
3. do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.

ooooh, seven? that's hard.

_i'm about 4'9'' to 4'10'' tall (about 1.45 meters?). which really makes it hilarious whenever that "if your kid is 4'9'' or less, get him a booster seat!" commercial ^^;;;

_i'm insanely picky about food. i eat a lot, but i don't eat a lot of things. for example, i don't eat vegetables or fruit, i absolutely hate certain cuts of meat, and stuff like that. my diet basically consists of rice and milk.

_i have this thing where whenever i find a stray thread in clothing or any kind of fabric, i have to grab it and roll it into a ball over and over. i don't know where the heck that tic came from, seriously.

_i think in english. which is weird because my grandma will come up and ask me something and i'll answer in english-- who cares that she doesn't understand what i'm saying. i actually have to stop and think about it before i can start in spanish. and i'm not an english native speaker...

_i'm considered a "rocker girl" by my friends. i have no idea why. not my fault they're a bunch of twenty-something teenyboppers. so what if i listen to alternative music? it's not like i dress gothic or anything...

_i need a new wardrobe urgently, but i'm flat broke. well, not really, i'd just rather spend what little money i have on evangelion DVDs than in clothes. but yeah, the idea's there.

_i've read "little women" about thirty eight times. nope, not kidding.

and then there was the "soundtrack" meme, snagged from, like, EVERYBODY:

if your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be? so, here's how it works:

1. open your music library
2. put it on shuffle.
3. press play.
4. for every question, type the song that's playing.
5. when you go to a new question, press the next button.
6. don't lie and try to pretend you're cool.
7. don't skip songs.

1. opening credits: westlife, "my love"
2. waking up: gilberto santa rosa, "impaciencia"
3. first day at school: limp bizkit, "my generation"
4. fight song: miley cyrus, "as i am"
5. breaking up: orishas, "represent, cuba"
6. happiness: soul asylum, "runaway train"
7. life's okay: blue october, "into the ocean"
8. mental breakdown: the fray, "she is"
9. driving: salserin, "un amor como el nuestro"
10. flashback: dido, "white flag"
11. getting back together: alejandro lagrotta, "el beso helado"
12. wedding: jesse mccartney, "why don't you kiss her"
13. birth of a child: ludwig van beethoven, "moonlight sonata" (wtf.)
14. final battle: alien ant farm, "smooth criminal"
15. death scene: tyler hilton, "glad"
16. funeral song: janne da arc, "mysterious"
17. end credits: genitallica, "imagina"

...how pathetic is it that it took me two minutes to figure out what the "questions" were? they're not questions! there are no question marks there! someone point me to the definition of the word "question" anyway, i did this one with my ipod. same difference, though xD and man, that was soooo screwed up! it was like my ipod was going the opposite to what it was supposed to be. i mean, "runaway train" for happiness? NOT! how about "into the ocean" for life's okay? NOT! xDDD but i think "my generation" does fit school. and "el beso helado" might be good for getting back together (with who?). and jmac can fit a wedding, i guess... but other than that... *buzzer sound*

and speaking of music, if you haven't seen this, then GO SEE IT NOW. especially those of you who are still depressed over the HP ending. because you know, basically everybody has been aboard a sunk ship at least once. and if you haven't, they you definitely should. of all the tracks, i personally recommend the daphne loves derby song-- after listening to that you'll just want to go and ship the crackiest ship around, i'll bet you will xD

i love fanmixes. they're the perfect way of adding onto my music library. i'm almost done with my evangelion fanmix-- more like a long, long, LONG play-- if only for one stupid song that i can't find. but i will find it, mark my words. so expect it soon.

and speaking of lists, this is my to-read book list, in order, so i don't forget:

1. finish "storm front"-- manuel, you're totally right, it's an awesome universe. dresden sorta reminds me of a geekier pete wisdom, and i don't know why. it's like harry potter meets CSI xD and did you know they made a TV series about it on the sci-fi channel? they canceled it after one season, though =/

2. csi miami: harm for the holidays: heart attack-- here's to hoping there's some C/R action in there. and is nat a CSI in it already? *crosses fingers*

3. caballo de troya 8-- OMG i can't believe i've put it off this long.

4. the rest of the dresden books

5. the "twilight" series, if i can locate it-- anybody got a link to an e-book or something?

and well, i finally got to finish watching psych season 1. i was going to resist temptation and watch it on TV, but my will is weak xD so i watched them all straight from DVD, especially the last four eps, which i watched completely on wednesday, turning afterwards to the tv, to watch "cloudy... chance of murder" all over again. and i have to say, "scary sherry" has quickly become my favorite psych episode ever. yes, even more than "spellingg bee," "he loves me" and "from the earth to starbucks." i've seen it about four times since, screencapped it, and will probably make icons out of it soon. it's just the funniest episode, OMG gus freaking out is just the funniest thing i've ever seen. and i've a funny story about juliet, as well-- see, when i was a kid, i remember, i watched maggie lawson's tv movie "nancy drew," and i kept thinking she was alicia silverstone. they've just always seemed similar in my mind. and so when i saw her acting like an airhead in "scary sherry," i immediately flashbacked to "clueless" xD talk about strange links between actresses ^^;;; pink does really go well with her complexion, anyway. and oh, how many cute scenes were there between shawn and jules in that ep? so cute. must. icon. gaaaahhhh.

i also saw CSIM episode "game over" today. it's one of my favorites. there's just something about tony hawk playing the dead guy that i find incredibly awesome xD

sports: baseball, sports: yankees, ship: hhr, music, tv: psych, tv: csi miami, meme, books, theater

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