Jul 05, 2007 11:35

by piratesocks

every night, in every pore;
the scales that do slither...
deliver me from...

freeze without an answer,
free from all the shame.
then i'll hide,
'cause i'll never...
never sleep alone.

--the mars volta, "the widow."

well, a meme before anything... dutchie_1991 and dashingchichi tagged me, so i have to do this now xD

rules: post the explanation of where your username came from on your LJ. then tag FIVE users whose explanations you'd like to hear.

well, the story isn't as glamorous as you'd think! girls are weird is the name of a font i like a lot. when i was designing the very first layout for my blog, which was still a blogger one (a pink chii layout if i'm not mistaken), and i went to write the name, i decided to use that font to write it, found that i quite liked the sound of it and decided to change the name i'd thought up, which i can't even remember right now, to "girls are weird." because, you know, girls ARE weird, and i'm a girl, and i'm like the queen of weird, so ^^;;; it's nothing big. but you wouldn't believe the controversy it brings up, sometimes... xD

hmmm, not tagging anyone, really. feel free to tell us if you feel like it.

now, i'd told myself i wouldn't read, write, or even LOOK at anything harry potter until AFTER the release of the movie and the book. but goddammit, i'm weak of will. the portkey recs engine called out to me ;_; so i started reading fanfics. and then i started working on my fanfics. hmmm, i guess it could be worse; after all, it's only a translation... from somnium insidiae, chapter 5, in english:


It was almost eleven when Harry climbed up the stairs to his dorm room. He thought about the events of the day.

Contrary to what he'd expected, it had been the perfect evening. His mother had been perfectly nice to Cho. She hadn't made any kind of inadequate questions or embarrassing comments, as it often occurred when mothers met their sons' first girlfriends and all that. What was more, as the end of dinner approached, his mother and Cho seemed like they've been friends for years. Even Gwynn behaved like the perfect young lady; not once did she make one out-of-place comment, and she didn't even ask Harry why she hadn't brought Ron with him. And his father, so different to his classroom persona, spent all the time joking and making Cho laugh. In the end, the first meeting between his girlfriend and his family went excellent.

Yet Harry couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Things were getting weirder by the second. And the fact that everything went well only confirmed that thought. He couldn't help but feel that something was going to go drastically wrong very soon. That was for sure; after all, that's how his life had been since forever: each time things seemed to be going well, some other tragedy came and it all went to hell.

Extending his hand to his room's doorknob, he shook his head. Tragedy? What tragedy? His life had been completely happy and normal up until that very day...

Those dreams were messing up his head. Yes, that was it. He just hoped that Ron was awake and could tell him if he'd found anything about Hermione's existence, or her non-existence, as it were. However, he wasn't that lucky, for Ron, just like their other roommates, was deeply asleep. Harry had no choice but to go to bed and wait until the next day to talk to him.


After crying some more, Hermione decided that her tears wouldn't be any help at all: if she wanted to figure out what was happening, she had to do something. She would at least try to discover the mystery behind this 'Harry Potter' before she admitted to herself that she was going crazy. There was a logical solution for everything in this world, and this wouldn't be the exception. So, she steeled her mind to be cold and impartial, and she threw herself onto this new mission, getting comfortable on her bed with a notepad, pencil and eraser. She just remembered that it took her roommate a little bit longer to come up, because she wanted to do this while she was alone and undisturbed.

Biting the end of her pencil, she thought of all the instances in her past in which she could have met the boy. It was the only explanation she could find, that she had met him somewhere and now her subconscious had decided to bring him back. She had, of course, passed by some more fantastic options, from prophetic dreams to telepathy, but she had never believed in magic and such things, and she wasn't going to start now. So she carefully checked her memories, looking for an answer. With such a privileged memory, it wasn't too hard.

A couple hours later, she found herself at zero again. She'd written down many memories, and she'd scratched out most of them. There were many occasions in which she'd met all kinds of people, especially with her parents in conventions and other meetings of the sort, but she could not remember ever having met a Potter family or a Harry Potter at any point. Maybe she was losing track somewhere...

A sound at the door interrupted her train of thought. First the doorknob shook, and then someone knocked on the door twice. "Granger! Open the door! Why are you locked in?!" she heard her roommate's voice.

Hermione got up and opened the door, frowning. She couldn't remember having locked it.

The girl walked in and Hermione once again sat on her bed, examining her notebook carefully. She wouldn't have a silent environment that would allow her to get to clear conclusions anymore, but she could at least do something.

Her roommate stared at her. "What are you studying? We don't have any homework, do we?" Taking something, possibly her bedclothes, out of her bag, she continued speaking before Hermione could answer. "Oh, wait, we do... thanks to you."

Hermione glared at her, but didn't dignify that comment with a reply. At least not out loud; "Not like she'd actually do the homework, anyway," she thought to herself, leaving the notepad aside to look out the window and down to the courtyard, where it seemed the boys were about to start another match. "Best two out of three!" some were yelling. "Two out of three!"


since i broke my oath and gave in to the harry potter temptation, i might as well do something useful about it. i'll try to continue somnium, i guess, though you know writing action scenes has me shaking in my boots. i don't know what i'll do about that but i really want to finish chapter 7 soon. out of all my HP fics, i like that one the best, i think (after extraordinary, that is, but i don't really count that one as a full-fledged "fanfic").

and since i'm talking about the portkey rec engine anyway, i'd like to tell every HH shipper out there to read angelica by delivermefromeve. awesome fanfic. HP meets the arthurian legend, what else could i ask for? ^.^ not finished yet, though, and it is rated NC-17, so watch out, minors. and while you're at it, go ahead and read the rest of her stories-- they're all amazing, really. you won't be disappointed.

it felt weird yesterday, watching psych while being completely conscious that CSI miami was airing just one channel away. but it was "burned," which i really don't feel any inclination to watch, i don't think i'll find it any better the second time around. and i'd already seen that psych episode, but psych is always hilarious and always welcome, so... ;)

that reminds me that i still have some CSIM season 5 episodes to watch. maybe i'll do it while i'm grading the papers my mom asked me to help her with, later this afternoon...

books: harry potter, tv, meme, ship: hhr, fanfic recs, tv: csi miami, fic: somnium

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