don't you make a move tonight;
you can only stagger.
once she's got you in her sight,
you're the one she's after,
'cause she's the blade and you're just paper,
and you're afraid 'cause she's got closer.
you're backstepping and she's backstabbing
everything in your life...
she stole everything your heart desired,
now you want it back.
she stole everything your heart desired,
now you want it back, go!
--sugarcult, "she's the blade."
i live... really =P
and man am i trippin' that song! xD
*picture cali bouncing 'round the apartment like a hyperactive squirrel*
anyway. aaaahhhh, thanksgiving. my favorite out of the holidays i don't really celebrate. if only because it's an easy excuse to eat tons of food and get two days of no classes ^________^
enter cali's long and repetitive rant about the cold-- seriously, isn't florida supposed to be like a beach paradise? why is it so COLD then?! have i ever mentioned i don't like cold climates? well, i don't. i was born in a very hot country, and in the hottest PART of the country (right next to its only desert... a tiny one, but a desert nonetheless!), and i just can't adjust. it could be 80 degrees outside and i'd get cold under the fan. i carry a jacket with me at all times, even when i'm back home, because the A/C screws me over. i'm not made for winter!! >.< and what use is it to have two days free if i can't even go out because it's too damn cold?! ;_; my heater's on, and still my feet feel cold. it's a permanent coldness now, it's just not going away. i die. i'm d-e-d... x_x
haven't been writing much lately, and that's probably because i haven't been reading much lately. all my time's been taken up by projects and tests and homework.
but i managed to put in a bit around tuesday for
my naruto fic! the scene's not yet done. that's mostly because maaan, i mean, i love team gai (i freakin' own the
fanlisting and all), but they're so hard to write!! i really want to go deeper and not fall into the stereotypes for them that i've read in other fanfics. it's too easy to have lee being a nutcase (albeit a sweet one), tenten be completely fangirlish over neji, and neji be his usual arrogant-ass self. but i really want my take on them to have a little extra, i don't know. i'm not entirely satisfied with what i've written so far, but i'm not about to erase and start over either.
Tenten unstuck her kunais from a tree, sighing. "Can't we just stay a little longer?" she asked her old teammates with a bit of a pout. Lee was sitting against the tree, almost at her feet, drying himself with a towel. Neji was standing a few feet away from them, just staring quietly.
"Oh, my esteemed Tenten," Lee started in his dramatic voice, light erupting from behind him as usual, "I am glad that you miss us so much that you feel the need to extend our training sessions because you cannot bear letting us walk away from you!" He grabbed onto her leg, just to reinforce the point that he was incredibly happy about his teammate's nostalgia for their genin cell times. "For you I shall resist one hour, no, three more hours of this gruesome training, or else I will run 300 laps around the whole of Konoha!"
"No, Lee..." Tenten sweatdropped, trying to pry the enthusiastic, thick-browed ninja from her leg.
Neji smirked at them from his place. Tenten knew that smirk-- it was the 'You know you asked for it' one that meant she'd have to find a way to deal with Lee herself because Neji wasn't going to lift a finger. It wasn't like it never happened; after so many years of knowing each other they should be used to Lee acting more like he was 22 MONTHS old instead of 22 years old. "Why do you want to keep practicing, anyway?" Neji asked her, when Lee finally let go of her leg and sat back down. "Not that you're not always excited about training, but we agreed to be done by five."
Exhaling loudly, she let herself fall down beside Lee. "It's nothing, I just want to avoid going home as much as possible." Neji raised an eyebrow as Lee blinked curiously at her. She rolled her eyes as she explained further: "My mom keeps prodding me about finding a husband."
Neji's other brow joined the first one as Lee's jaw dropped to the floor. "But that cannot be! To have such an important decision at such a hurried pace! What about the most pure of feelings, that is love?! YOSH! You cannot allow it, Tenten!" He grabbed her hands with his usual intensity. "Don't let the fire of your youth be contained until you do not have love--"
"You're being reduced to an old maid at 22?" Neji interrupted Lee before he could continue with his tirade about youth and justice.
Tenten frowned. "You know how my mother is. She's a foreigner; she believes I should've been bethroted to some wealthy guy when I was like 15. By her standards, I already missed that train." She chuckled and patted Lee's hand. "But don't worry, I'm not even going to entertain the idea until I'm ready for it."
Lee nodded, giving her a thumbs-up sign. "I am glad! Had I not found my graceful flower, Sakura-san, years ago, I would have gladly sacrificed my youthful future to help you, Tenten! And know that I will always be here to support you!"
Tenten sweatdropped, yet again. "That's... sweet, Lee," she assured him with a nervous chuckle. She would've preferred jumping off a bridge than marrying Lee, yes, but it was still a sweet gesture. One had to be appreciative of their friends, no matter how... weird they were. "I'm content with just staying away from my mother's not-so-subtle hints for a little while longer."
"I'm afraid I can't stay longer today," Neji came back to the conversation, adjusting his kunais in his leg holster. "Not with today's event. I would have invited you, but this affair is closed to non-related guests."
Tenten waved a hand at him dismissively. "Don't worry, the last thing I need right now is for you to invite me to a family function." Lee stood up and then extended his hand to help her up. "It looks too much like a date; wouldn't want to fuel the rumours."
Her last few words caught his attention. "Rumours?"
Lee and Tenten looked at him like he'd just asked if the sky was blue. "Surely he must have heard?" Lee asked.
Tenten thought it was strange as well, but then again, Hyuuga Neji was an expert in ignoring anything he thought was beneath him. "Apparently, a lot of people seem to think that because you and I are friends, and we train together, and we are together a lot, that we're madly in love with each other." Neji didn't seem surprised by this-- few things ever surprised him enough that it would show in his expression-- but she was fairly sure that he really hadn't known previously. He didn't say anything about it, though. Tenten chuckled. "You know, I wonder how they come up with these things. Seriously, as if that was possible..."
Neji kept quiet.
o_Ô is it me, or does lee sound a lot like kuno tatewaki in this scene? o_O
and am i allowed to say "kunais"? sounds kinda weird to me.