EXTRA!!-- GoF comments

Nov 19, 2005 00:52

just came back from the movie theater. YAY! happy harry potter day! wheeee...! ^.^ so here's my review. i'll probably write up a better one when i go see it again in panama, since right now i'm just excited and not making any sense and can't seem to remember half the stuff i wanted to say. needless to say this is chock full o' spoilers.

first of all, let me say that yeah, i agree with most of the reviewers (well, i haven't read any reviews so far, but my friends told me they had and that they weren't very good) in that the pace was waaaaay too fast, there wasn't much plot, not so great dialogue and they didn't explain anything dammit! through the whole movie we had to just constantly explain stuff to my friends that hadn't read the book and were completely lost.

but then again, fellow fans, we all knew that was going to happen. you just can't adapt a 600+ pages book to a 3-hours movie and not expect that half the plot is going to be cut off. it did make me kind of dizzy, though, but i understand. i won't hold that against them, though it WOULD have been tons better if they'd made it into two parts or something.

but besides that... IT WAS A FREAKIN' AWESOME MOVIE!!

really, it should've been renamed "harry potter and the uncontrollable laughter and insane squeeing," because that was all i did through the movie. though that would've been kinda long ^^;;; but really, i just laughed and squealed like crazy. i think the people around me (mostly kids) must've thought i was having a seizure or something.

you guys would know that i didn't like the book all that much. but the movie made me like it more, it really did. the special effects were just... they were something else. the one thing i didn't like was ron & co. as prizes (they looked so fake, sorry special FX people), but besides that, the effects were completely breathtaking. hooray for technology. i especially liked the durmstrang boat/submarine thing, and of course the dragon...

those kids have grown so much as actors, really. that little problem i had with dan when he had really emotional/angry scenes seems to be gone now. when he was crying over cedric's body, it was completely real to me. rupert is definitely the best for me, he doesn't just act ron, he IS ron and now that he wasn't JUST comic relief it was even better. emma was good, too, except, i felt, for the yule brawl. she came out looking kind of pushy and way too weepy for my taste. might be because i'm biased towards ron and all, though =P pattison as cedric ruled my world, he was so perfect. ianevski as krum was incredibly awesome too, but i would've liked to hear him speak more, i almost didn't catch an accent and that would've been so much fun. fleur was ok, madam maxime was, too. moody was spot-on. rita skeeter was fairly good, too. tom was more refined than ever and MY GOD, ralph fiennes as voldemort was PERFECT! i would've loved to see his handsome face but he was so freakin' scary as voldie-poo. so like i had imagined him. i hope they do as good a job with tonks, luna and bellatrix ^_^

my roommate vanessa and i spent the whole of the movie lusting after the guys. man, i feel really guilty for having these thoughts in a movie for kids ^^;;; but BOY am i going to have nice dreams tonight *wiggles eyebrows* vanessa kinda has a crush on viktor krum, but i just loved all of them. krum was soooo hot. cedric was gorgeous. tom looked good enough to eat in that turtleneck. (and they're not jailbait so HAH! ]BD ) of course dan and rupert were gorgeous too (have i mentioned that i love the way rupert's dressed in these movies? not the dress robes, but he generally dresses pretty neat). and neville, who is so freakin' cute i could hug him forever.

random tidbits:

_ the fight between harry and ron was played out awesome. they never threw stuff at each other like in the book (what was it that harry threw at ron? or was it backwards? can't remember. i've only read that book once). but it was pretty neat. very believable. i especially liked the whole "i told hermione to tell you that parvati told me that dean told her that blah blah blah yeah go see hagrid" part. it was funny. i really liked the whole fight. (all my friends were like "gosh, how can he be like that? don't you see harry didn't put his name in?! why does he have to be such a jealous jerk?!" and i was-- as always-- trying to defend him... "he's just human, wouldn't you feel that way too if you had been overshadowed by everyone in your life" and blah blah blah... i wonder why the argument just keeps happening.)

_ "they walked right by me... you know i like it when they walk..."-- best line EVER!!! that's going straight to my MSN nickname. for real.

_ it was much funnier than the previous ones. i laughed even in the dramatic parts. was that weird?

_ awwww, i feel for neville so much. he's so cool. and when he came into the room like "harry, i JUST got in," i squeed like crazy. sucks that his would-be girlfriend ends up with harry (he didn't find another girlfriend in HBP, did he? can't remember @_@).

_ weird sisters rockin' in da1 house! tada dadah dadah dadah dadah daaaaahhhh!! *jumps flailing her hair all around*

_ the twins. so. rock. my. world. i wanna have their babies, really. they're waaaay awesome.

_ i imagined the pensieve way smaller. and moody's trunk completely different, too.

_ MAMA POTTER AND PAPA POTTER YAY! ^_______________^

_ angelina! hey, you sure changed a LOT since the last movie! ^^;;;

_ they didn't explain the connection between the wands, and harry came out looking like a superhero for "having the strength to resist voldemort's attack." ah, if people knew...

_ was roger davies credited as "roger davies" in the credits? or was he just the "random guy who took fleur to the ball"?

_ things that went by too fast and half the people didn't notice them: harry's "accio" spell, harry telling cedric to grab the cup at the same time as he did, everything sirius said, that the guy being judged was karkaroff, everything lucius said (i couldn't understand a thing, he just never opened his lips enough) the whole unforgivable curses part... they never explained in detail what imperius did (just used the spider as an example, he never did outright say it was for controlling purposes) and my friends were all like "OMGWTFBBQ is krum evil?!?!?!111oneone" and i just rolled my eyes.

_ the amazing bouncing ferret. every single person in the theater got a kick off that. even my roommate angelica who usually doesn't laugh much (and when she does she only does it discretely) cracked up with that.

_ and what's with the random kid who suddenly became harry's #1 fan? was he the director's son or something? #_#

_ way too many "sexual harassment"-like scenes. once when skeeter was interviewing harry it seemed like she wanted to jump his bones. then when krum told her to get out of the tent she seemed to want to eat him right then and there. hermione saying viktor was way too "physical." and the whole thing with myrtle. gosh, i gotta get my mind outta the gutter.

_ no dursleys O_o i hope i wasn't the only one that missed them.

_ no quidditch match! ah, and i wanted to see the wonky feint! ;_;

_ ginny had FOUR lines, yay! not one, not two, FOUR! (including the second best line in the movie-- "ron, that's love!" mwahahaha, it soooo was). that's great, girl! ^______^ though by HBP she won't have that many because she'll be too busy sticking her tongue in harry's mouth to speak. but ah well (no, i'm not bitter at all, though it might seem like so-- i'm just being my usual sarcastic self. don't mind me). i wonder what bonnie wright said when she read HBP? hmmm...


_ it was almost like i was back watching the passion of the christ. you know, when cedric died? everyone in the freakin' theater was crying (a lot of them, as they say over here, "a moco tendido"...). it was surreal. i was like, yeah, i must be in the twilight zone. i know it was sad, i just never thought people would CRY so MUCH! especially since it all happened so fast.

_ parvati & padma's actresses weren't twins for real. they weren't even sisters. man that pissed me off, and it shouldn't have but i'm being irrational right now and just want to rant. blah.

_ did anyone else think KKK when you saw the death-eater's uniforms?

_ the ending was beautiful, it reminded me a lot of HBP's ending, so much trio-luvv. i swear i have to make an icon out of that scene of the three in the balcony-- as soon as i can get a screencap. it's my top priority now.

and now what you were all waiting for... WHOOSHIPPYMOMENTSYAY! ^____________^

_ my god, this movie would make ANYONE ship ron/harry. even i, who don't go much towards the slash side, started getting the vibes. my squees were not purely for friendshippy reasons, i admit it.

_ r/hr-- luffly. of course. i loved ron in the whole yule ball/brawl thing, they were so cute... "fraternizing with the enemy" indeed ^.^ he was so jealous, it's so cute! (have i said that before? ^.~) though i didn't see much more than that-- could my r/hr-shipper friends nicely point me towards other r/hr scenes in the movie? i want to squee some more ^-^

_ i would've loved to see more of cedric/cho. not enough of them. they were so cute! ^^

_ h/hr-- my god so many moments ooohhhhhh!! *squees like crazy* loved harry's face as hermione was coming down the stairs-- so like in the book, really. the bit in the tent where hermione told harry to concentrate and stuff and they hugged (ok, so not canon but what the heck, they didn't have her teaching him accio so they owed it to us, dammit!). also the "i'm worried about you" part in the bridge before cedric told harry about the dragons. when she kissed him after the second task (oh, i squealed so much, even my friends started looking funny at me). waaaaaah, so cute. so cute so cute so cute. the crew of these movies are just messing with our heads, they are *nods*

_ WAAAAAAHHHHHHH OT3 ALL THE WAY, BABEHS! ^__________________^ *hugglez her beloved golden trio*

_ hagrid/madam maxime gave me the heevy-jeebies. i really don't want to think about that anymore.

_ i could seriously ship hermione/krum right now (wow, she does go around, doesn't she? ^.~). i could ship ron/fleur. heck, i could ship ron/krum! i could ship anything right now. all the romance was sooooo pwetty!! ^.^ thank you mike newell & co.!

all in all, i really liked the movie. i still think PoA was better, both cinematographically speaking and in adaptation, but for all the cropping they had to do with this one, i understand why it came off the way it did. it was good, better than the first two at any rate. hopefully the same thing will happen with OotP. who's the director, anyway? i don't even know if it's been decided yet...

and to those who are complaining that the movie was made for people that had already read the book... i know. it was. but you know what? get off your butts and GO READ THE BOOK, then! it's completely worth it, really. and you'll really enjoy the movie for once.

so when does it come out on DVD? i need to watch it with subtitles...

lol, look at my "bouncy" icon. that is SO me right now. really.

books: harry potter, ship: hhr, hyperness, cute, fangirling, trio luv, me being a freak, yay!, books: gof, charas: ronniekins, omfg, squeeing, movies, me being obsessive

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