Oct 31, 2005 22:06

i can be anything
that you want me to be:
a punching bag, a piece of string, oh,
that reminds you not to think.

they found the note down in your car,
and it's not your fault it gets this hard...
gets this hard...

hold your head high,
don't look down;
i'm by your side,
won't back down.
you wanted a hero tonight;
well i'm not made of steel,
i'm not made of steel,
but your secret's safe with me.

--our lady peace, "made of steel."

my roommates wonder why i listen to this "depressing metal music," but they don't pay attention to the lyrics. it's really quite inspirational.

i luv my mommy ^_^

so i was feeling all down because i did awful in my thermo test (so what else is new? >.<) and then she comes online and i tell her. and she's all like "i think you're way too tense, you should really just take it easy and simply study hard for the other tests. just aim for a C if you can, that's ok. don't think about it anymore" and it made me feel so much better. this semester is really starting to get to me-- i've been snapping at everyone lately and i can't tell if it's because of the lack of sleep or if it's just the fact that i'm doing absolutely horrible in every single one of my classes. i still feel kinda depressed but it's not that bad now, at least i don't feel like throwing myself out a window anymore ^^ (ok, that was just a joke, i'm not having any suicidal thoughts or anything, y'all, just feeling a little down, i swear ^.^)

anyway, two of my roommates had a close encounter with death just a few minutes ago ^^;;; our living room fan has been making strange sounds and it just swings around everytime we turn it on, so we asked to have it fixed, what?, something like a month ago? and still we got no answer. well, today one of our neighbors came by and he and my two roommates were chatting in the living room and decided to turn the fan on because they were hot. i came outside for a while to check if our internet connection had come back (something was wrong with comcast today, it seems) and he came over to tell me something (i'm sitting at the dinner table with my laptop), leaving my two roommates sitting in the living room, right? and suddenly CRASH! the glass lamp cover that's on the fan falls down and there's glass all over the coffee table. luckily my roommates scooted as far back as they could and weren't hurt or anything, we just ended up with a table full of glass and had to vacuum and everything. let's see if this makes the management send someone in to fix the fan once and for all.

during work today i came up with a kinda storyline for a ranma 1/2 fic. i don't know if i like it for sure, it starts out quite silly and ends up all complicated-- i don't like stories that are really complicated. but i think it has some potential. maybe i will start writing it.

more ztuckin for you readers' pleasure:


“You’re right,” Jim concluded, trying to speak towards the back of the little room, which is where he thought the voices had come from.

“Yes. Apparently it can only be opened from the outside,” the second voice added. “We have not been introduced, have we? What is your name?”

“Oh,” Jim muttered, just realizing that he really didn’t know any of these people. “I’m-“

The phrase was cut short by the power, which just decided to come back to life at that moment. There was one lightbulb in the ceiling on the roof, and as an introductory speech it let a few sparks escape before finally turning on.

It took him a few seconds for his eyes to get accustomed to the new illumination. He noticed that he’d been right to think there wouldn’t be much space inside, not only because the warehouse was so small that it could easily qualify as a hut, but because it was full of boxes. Luckily he hadn’t thought about walking deeper inside, or he would’ve tripped over something and it wouldn’t have been pretty.

Another thing he noticed was that there weren’t two other people in the room, but three.

The first guy, who was closer to him, was a very slim young man that was sitting on a box, smiling politely at him. His hair and eyes were dark, his skin was brown-colored and his eyes were a little squinty. He was wearing jeans, a striped t-shirt and unexpensive sneakers. He looked like a foreigner. He was surely the owner of the “second voice.”

The second guy was laying against a wall. Jim thought he looked kind of amusing, because he looked mad and it seemed like he wanted to break his head against the wall, the way he was hitting it. He was dressed in brown-green cargo jeans that seemed to have more chains than fabric in them. His t-shirt was red, and the sleeves had been torn off; in the chest area it had written, in print, bold letters, “F*CK YOU” and to the side he had one of those funny stickers you put in your car with a kid peeing and making a rude gesture with his hands. He was wearing beach slippers on his feet and he had like eight bracelets in each arm, like those little girls make with colored strings and then sell for fifty cents. He was tall, robust, his skin was light and with a healthy glow. The bridge of his nose was covered in freckles; his eyes were a very striking navy blue color. His hair was dyed a shocking purple color, but his roots were yellow, so Jim assumed blonde was his original hair color.

The third occupant of the room was another young man. He was standing besides the only window in the recinct, which was blocked, perhaps to avoid eavesdroppers. Jim paid most attention to the fact that he was dressed in black from head to toe. From his short-sleeved skirt, to his jeans, to his military boots, to the watch that peeked from where his left wrist was lost inside his pants pocket. His hair was black, too, but he couldn’t be sure about his eyes because he was looking to the side. He was light-skinned, or more appropiately he was pale, so his overall aspect was somewhat spooky. He was only missing red eyes and fangs to look like a vampire.


booyah, dudes.

still plugging: hagaren_awards, good_animeicons, _quote_claims_, nerima_rating

originals, rl, originals: ztuckin, life sucks, moi, family, school keelz me dead

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