Jul 10, 2004 21:39

tomorrow's just another day,
another way to spend my day...
all by myself.
staring at the tv screen,
flipping through my magazine...
everything is unclear.
i need you here.

and i wake up, put on my makeup,
pick up the phone... nobody's home...
i need to break out, get me some takeout.
stand inside a crowd, i want to scream out loud
that i'll be ok...
i'll be ok.

-- lillix, "tomorrow."

i saw a dog die today.

estabamos en mi secundaria, porque hoy habia una feria familiar y como mi hermanito esta en la banda del colegio, le tocaba tocar hoy. habian muchas mascotas, pero un muchacho, compañero de uno de mis primos, llevo uno tambien. un schnauzer miniatura, blanco, muy lindo. habia pasado por los brazos de todo el mundo. ya terminandose el evento, el muchacho finalmente tomo al perro por la correa y lo llevo a dar un paseo. estaba corriendo por ahi con el animalito... estaba justo en frente de donde mi mama, mi hermano y yo estabamos parados. en un momento, no se, el perrito se cruzo entre las piernas del muchacho... el asunto es que el chico lo piso. le piso el cuello. sin querer, obviamente, pero fue horrible. el perro rodo... el niño lo recogio inmediatamente. al principio todos pensaban que no era tan grave, pero cuando el animalito no paraba de chillar, se preocuparon. lo llevaron con un veterinario que estaba por ahi. esta parte no la vi, pero me dijo mi tia que el veterinario trato de darle un masaje cardiaco pero no sirvio. el perrito murio. el muchacho llamo a su papa, que no le creyo al principio, y salio del colegio con el cuerpo del perrito en sus brazos. no me imagino como manejo su carro de ahi hasta su casa en ese estado. hace un rato mi tia me dijo que se entero que al chico se lo tuvieron que llevar a la playa para que se calmara. pobre niño. si yo me siento mal, imaginense como debe sentirse el...

anyway. i wrote some "all's right" this week. it was a weird inspiration burst. i was watching the remake of "carrie" for like the 11th time this month (and it gets worse everytime i see it >.<) and got the idea, and then i went back to the lab and wrote it down while i washed the volumetric flasks. here you go:


When Harry woke up, it was almost noon.He felt much more relaxed than he'd had the previous day. That was the best night's sleep he'd had in quite a few days, he thought with a smile as he made his way to the kitchen.

Someone had come into his bedroom last night or that morning and had wrapped a blanket over him, and he was pretty sure it had been Hermione. She had that habit. Ron also did it sometimes (not that he'd ever admit it since he was a "manly man" and all that), but Harry knew it wasn't him this time around. Some days Harry would come home so tired that he'd forget about his glasses and fall asleep with them on; whenever Ron went in to check on him, he'd take them off his face and, for some bizarre reason that Harry was sure only made sense in Ron's warped mind, he'd put them on the bed beside Harry's pillow. And Harry moved so much while in bed, the glasses would end up on the floor, more often than not broken. He'd had to buy new glasses twice that year, and he kept telling Ron not to do that anymore but he kept doing it.

Anyway, the point was that that morning he'd found his glasses neatly positioned on his bedside table, and that's how he knew it was Hermione who had checked on him that morning. It struck him as funny that he knew his friends so well that he could distinguish them by something as simple as where they put his glasses.

Rumaging through the kitchen for something to eat, he found that Ron had left him his breakfast inside the microwave. There was a note taped to the thing that said "EAT IT! -H & R" in big bold letters, underlined, and with a little doodle of... Harry thought it was him (it had the scar, but those glasses were WAY too big...) on the top right corner. Surely Ron's idea of fun in the morning.

Harry didn't know whether to laugh or sigh. On one hand, it was wonderful that his friends loved him so much that they constantly worried about him. On the other hand, they were starting to act like mother hens and it unnerved him. He had enough of that with Ron's mother and he didn't need three surrogate mothers.

Deciding that he should just smile and take it easy, he finished eating, washed his plate and went upstairs to take a very relaxing shower before going back to work.

He never heard the phone ringing.


someone pointed out to me in a review that in "the one who needs it the most" it's christmas, yet harry and hermione go out and sit on the grass. gah #_# so i decided i have to be more careful before writing stuff like that so i'd better ask: can somebody define to me what a flat is? is it the same thing as an apartment or what? i've always thought it was, but i could be wrong. gosh, i should get a britpicker.

ayer me pusieron dos vacunas. una en el hombro izquierdo y una en la retaguardia. y no me dolio ni nada (i'm used to needles because of the allergy shots), pero mi mama y mi hermano han desarrollado un molesto habito de tocarme (golpearme en el caso de mi hermano) exactamente en los lugares donde me inyectaron y eso si es incomodo. eek.

hace un par de horas regrese del cine, de ver spiderman 2. es verdad que la haye mejor que la anterior... it was much funnier and less tense, you could say. but i also remembered why i never liked spidey in the first place-- peter parker is such an idiot. gosh, what a dork. he's not like those dramatic heroes that could've had a good life if it weren't for their powers and the conflict they created within them... peter would just be a dork forever. i sound so superficial ^^;;; but i just can't stand his attitude and tobey maguire walking around with that stupid face all through the movie wasn't of any help. and mary jane is so the typical damsel in distress. i really like harry, though, for some reason. and doc oc was ok... the SFX were awesome.

a sign that i'm way too obsessed with harry potter: there's a scene where doc oc goes and talks to harry osborne, right? and he climbs up to him and says "hello, harry." and i turn to my brother and whisper: "you're a wizard..." ^^;;; i couldn't help it, the whole thing reminded me a lot of the first HP movie where hagrid breaks the door down and tells harry about his magical powers (and harry has the same surprised expression harry osborne had). i'm a freak, i know.

me being a freak, ouch, fic: all's right, tragedy, movies

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