Dec 23, 2010 23:40

oh my god, you guys. hang on to your hats, because something unprecedented has just happened: remember that snippet i posted in my last post? well, today while i was at work, i managed not only to finish that whole scene, but also two other scenes to end the chapter! and the best part is: i don't hate it! \o/ i am très awesome today. xD

to put it in perspective: this fic was last updated in 2006. and just when you thought i'd left it for dead...


#2: getting too serious, too quickly.

rating: PG-13 for now. will probably move up to R towards the end, mostly for violence-- it's coming somewhere in the future.
genre: post-series, suspense, drama, action/adventure, romance
pairings: mostly comic canon couples and some non-canon that i just love =b i don't wanna give it away. just read the whole thing and if you don't like them, feel free to throw stuff at me ^^;;;
canon/timeline: the fic is situated after the last episode of x-men evolution, however it would be nice if you guys had some knowledge of what's gone on in the x-men comics, too, for i'll be bringing a lot of that into the fic. you could say this is me trying to put x-men (both comics and 90s TV series) into the x-men evo timeline.

disclaimer: x-men and x-men evolution belong to marvel and i'm sure they'd sue me for my last penny if i came up with anything remotely similar and tried to claim it as my own-- drat, there goes that p-men idea! ;_;

summary: after the events of apocalypse, a new dark force threatens the x-men. and it's using betsy braddock's human boyfriend to create uproar... how can this be? groups unite, friendships grow and mystery looms over the mutants in bayville, in the wake of project: black womb.

warning 1: hello, longest chapter of anything ever written! this chapter is more than twice as big as #1 was.

warning 2: the flashback in the very last scene of the chapter (the remy scene) might be a bit... disturbing to some, although i think it's not any worse than the comics themselves are. still, be warned-- things will probably get worse than that as the fic goes on. i haven't upped the rating to R yet, but i'm pretty sure i'll have to, eventually.

author's note: please don't forget to read my timeline for EVO and for this fic at http://kyoudai.net/xmenevo/pestetimeline.html





(or, y'know, a very happy december 25th anyway, in case you don't celebrate christmas).

christmas, fic: black plague, visual aid, omfg

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