packing !! so dusty !!

Jun 07, 2003 15:38

well now. these days are filled with stress !! stress stress stress ! been looking for apartments everyday, think we have one but wont know for sure till monday, which blows. monday night ive got to go to the hospital cause my auntie is having surgery so gotta bring the love, gotta do cds and mixing on tuesday then make all the cds and have my stuff moved before thursday ! AH. its all good though cause tour is gonna be so much fun. i got carly and i 4 pairs of matching shorts and one skirt. we are going to look amazing, so even if the music sucks we wont. im kidding by the way. we are doing a "tour diary"' for a long island paper, should be kinda fun. noah is coming the whole time and taking pictures, he will probably want to leave though cause of carlys gas problem. we made 200, well amost cds the other night. i th ink the stamp fumes were getting to me. so hopefully well have all the cds ready. carly is a bracelet machine back home. becca and i are thinking of getting vincent a friend since the new apartment is bigger and he needs company so he doesnt hump me anymore. its really starting to get old. ok, im gonna go pack more!! <3
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