Title: The Small Places
girlpirePairing: Spangel (Spike/Angel)
Summary: After an unfortunate battle with a demon, which resulted in his needing hand reattachment surgery, Angel is confined to his Wolfram and Hart apartment while he recovers. With help from the only other person who can really understand what he's going through, Angel begins to re-
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Comments 126
It was actually less porny than it was a slowly unfolding erotic scene. The use of the photography with Spike slowly undressing and Angel's response to that - and then Spike responding to Angel. It was very subtle and very, very hot!!
"You're like the cactus," Angel softly explained. "Constant. Unchanging. Beautiful. But it makes me wonder, what good is beauty that lasts forever if people don't... if I don't ever stop to appreciate it?" Angel glanced down at the drawing. "I wish I had looked at you more back then," he said. "I thought maybe... last night would make up for it a little..."
Spike looked at the drawing and each of the photos again. He didn't say anything.
Angel nudged him. "You can talk now, remember?"I loved this part. It made me draw a little breath, because it reflected that something had changed between them. Spike fully able to talk, but unable - and Angel quietly begging for the words after spending so long wishing for his silence ( ... )
I have no other words than that.
that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me... *sniffle*
perfect *sigh*
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