Hey guys... if anyone still checks here...
I periodically get messages from people asking me to unlock my flocked novel-length Spangel story Friday. I wish I could! I've tried, but because the chapters are longer than LJ currently allows, when I attempt to unlock the post and save it, I get an error that the post is too long. I haven't decided what to do about this. I suppose I could repost the entire story in smaller installments, but then of course I'll lose all the comments on each chapter, and those are my favorite things to go back and read. Plus it's work.
The reason I locked that story in the first place and made several of my other fics entirely private is because I was struggling with some fannish issues at the time and was very angry, and so this was the equivalent for me of taking my ball and going home. I didn't want the people who pissed me off to be able to access and/or enjoy what I'd written. But now that I've switched playgrounds for a couple of years, I'm over it. And like I said, I keep getting these very polite messages from other Angel fans who want to read my stories, and I feel bad about not sharing with nice people.
So, because I haven't decided the best way to make Friday available again, I've just gone through and restored several other fics for anyone who wants to read those in the meantime. These are: The Small Places, Dining In, Angel's (Not So Much) Inner Monologue, Something Like Comfort, Professional Interest, Top of Something, Outside the Box, Finished, Number Of, A Game for William, Salvaged, Angel's Secrets, and Spike's Secrets. I also unlocked Touch and Last Known Address, which are both epic Spangel stories in the same vein as Friday, but with only the first few chapters posted of each one. You can see the complete list of fics with their individual links [
here]. There are still some smaller fics unavailable, but those are just the ones I don't think are worth your time. :)
Please enjoy these old stories at your convenience, and I'll try to figure out what to do with Friday soon.