Nov 12, 2010 21:19

Oliver is home.

Thank you.

You saved his life.

I have so much gratitude for you right now. You saved my boy. He's in my arms, purring and healing. We're both exhausted. I haven't slept for days and the boy has been through so much.

I am about to pass out. I feel like this great, painful weight has been lifted from my shoulders, and suddenly I feel like I am going to collapse. I think I need to find some food. And clean Oliver's areas. I have lots of pictures and words and information to share, but my mind won't focus. I just can't think and I keep dozing off. Whenever I sit still (stop picking up the house, tending to Olly, etc), I fall asleep almost immediately.

I will post much more thoroughly tomorrow. I am just so out of it tonight. It has taken me 3 hours to type this up. I keep falling asleep. Sorry to be so scattered. :)

I have received over 200 new e-mails in the last few days.

Also (this cropped up in the 3 hours it took me to make this post), I may need to take Glenn to the ER tonight. He is really ill. He called me just a bit ago to see if Matt or I would be available if he needs to go and Matt isn't handy. Poor Glenn... I wish I could do more for him. I am going to try to nap so I can be more alert if he needs help.

I am so grateful BM gave me tomorrow off. (I am so stupid tired I typed "so grateful BM gave me yesterday off" first. I need to go to bed!)

Thank you. Thank you for saving my Oliver.

rambling, kiki is fucking tired, oliver, kiki has no idea what's going on

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