I have had a two cat household since 2000 when my last cat passed away. I have always pondered the addition of another third cat, but as my two got older, I put it off. They are in year 12 now, and while I would add an adult cat, I don't know if adding another rowdy feline to the mix would make them very happy.
Then I saw this article. This boy is 14 years old and his owner is terminally ill. Placing him in a new home has been difficult because of his age. He is also in Maryland, all the way across the country. :( A cat his age would be the perfect addition to my home, since I am already running a senior center for felines. ;) So I threw my name out there and my contact information is on it's way to the woman handling Murphy's placement.
Normally, offering to home a cat that is all the way across the country would be silly, but several LJ users have offered to help finance a kitty courier. And vet bills. There is also a user who is traveling to Maryland (where kitty is now) in two weeks and willing to transport him back.
They will be looking at a couple of closer offers first, so whatever happens, Murphy will have a good home. But I so desperately want him here for our kitty family.
If this doesn't work out, I may swing by the shelters and consider whisking away another elderly feline. (In a couple of months, once our financial situation is better.) Now that we have a house, a third cat would be very manageable. I love the idea of saving an otherwise difficult to place kitty and bringing him/her here for their kitty golden years.
If you are looking for a loving, wonderful kitty companion, please consider adopting an older cat. They are a lot more difficult to place in homes, because people always want the kittens. Some older cats never see a loving forever home once they are placed in a shelter.
www.petfinder.com :)