Want to help give Christmas to 3 great kids?
Wishlist for the girls! Please take a moment to check out their wishlist, and if you can/want, purchase them a gift. These kids have no idea they will wake up Christmas morning to presents under the tree. I will be there to capture it all on camera, so everyone will get to see the joy and their gifts being opened. :) I have enlisted the help of another friend for camera duty, to ensure all the awesomeness is well documented.
Here is a bit of info on how this will work:
- Select and order a gift (or 2, or 10!).
- Gifts via Amazon will mail directly to my house.
- Be sure to include your name!
- I will wrap the gifts and store them safely until the magical day.
- Your gift will have your name in the "from:" field.
- To avoid confusion, I will add "(a friend of auntie Kiki's)" to the tag, since they will want to know how all these wonderful, generous people found out about them in the first place. (Also! They already know/will recognize some of you from past help you've offered. Linda, I'm looking at you. ;))
- I made the list pretty universal; each item is something that any of them would enjoy. So the various gifts will be divided evenly among them. If there is an odd number, I will fill in the extra gifts. Each girl will have the same number of gifts, so it will be completely fair. :)
- Include - or email me separately, your name AND mailing address! The girls will be making and mailing thank you cards after the holiday.
I can't thank you guys enough.
I, and the girls, appreciate you so much.
Want to help, but not via Amazon? Here are other ideas:
- If you have new or gently used items that you think the girls would enjoy, please send them! As with the Amazon list, items will be divided evenly. Your name will be listed in the "from:" fields.
- Have used girls clothing? They would wear the heck out of it, as they have very little clothing. Size and other information for each girl is listed below at the end of this entry.
- Coats, hats, gloves, scarves! Donate new/used cold weather gear. (Again, sizes below.)
- Send a Christmas or postcard! They would love to receive mail for the holiday! Please e-mail me privately girlpirate@gmail.com and I will give you their direct address, rather than go through mine. All I ask is that you address the cards to all three girls (unless you'd like to send three cards; one for each girl). In the cards, be sure to write that you are "a friend of auntie Kiki's.
- Cash donations are also being collected. Send a Paypal to girlpirate@gmail.com - here is a handy link to a donation button for your convenience. (Note: Cash donated will be used primarily for their more necessary needs, such as clothing and school supplies and even groceries. Clothing will, however, be wrapped up under the tree for Christmas morning. Contributors names will be added to gifts their funds help purchase.)
- Do you - or does someone you know - have crafty hands, or know someone that does? Handmade gifts would be great! Or maybe a small business you know of that would send them something nice.
- Friends. Have kids their age? The girls would love to be Facebook friends or pen-pals with other kids!
- Pass this entry on! I will leave this public so it can be shared among your friends and family. Please link to it, share it, and help spread the Christmas cheer!
A few final notes:
All names will be put on items. Some items will have multiple names on them, if several smaller donations were pooled to buy a gift. I am keeping extensive inventory, receipts and records on this. It is important to me that everyone knows/sees where their contributions fit in. All donors, whether it be a cash, gift or otherwise, will receive comprehensive data regarding the use of funds and the items donated. I have a friend helping me with this as well, to ensure the record keeping doesn't get lost in the hectic craziness of the holiday.
Also, there will be photos! I will be there in the early morning, catching it all on camera. These pictures will be available to all contributors. There may even be video.
Here are the ages, clothing sizes, as well as the favorite colors of each girl:
- Lakaiya, age 9; loves pink, baby blue and light green.
Clothing size: 14/kids, xl/kids in shirts
- Kienna, age 11; loves blue, pink and purple.
Clothing size: 7/pants, med/shirts
- Myla, age 13; loves pink, sky blue and purple.
Clothing size: 18/pants in women's and XL/shirts
The girl's story: These kids were living a van, while their mother was in jail and their father was never around. Their kind aunt has taken them in, giving them their own rooms, taking care of them, feeding them, loving them and sending them to school like other children their age. Their aunt, however, struggles financially to cover so much new expense in her life. A few months ago, the girl's moved in with her permanently, and I - as well as other friends - are stepping up to round up help for this family. These kids have been through so much, and have so little. They are so loving and appreciative; they smile despite their worries and their situation. They are so sweet and kind. Every single contribution will not only give them the things they need, but it will show them that people care for, and love them. This will serve as a daily reminder that their parent's problems had nothing to do with them; that they are loved and cared for and safe. Questions?
girlpirate@gmail.com Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for passing this on.
Most importantly, thank you for your love.