The Glass Menagerie

Mar 30, 2010 00:57

In Acting Studio we have been assigned roles that are drastically against type. We will then develope characters using the Michael Chekhove work. I have been assigned Laura from the glass menagerie (against type) but I am trying to figure out the physical mechanics of her "slight limp" I was thinking Slight DDH...Bilateral, a type of ClubFoot that can be fixed with physical thereapy (forget what it is called) or just like janky kneed (medical term needed) or one leg shorter than the otherfor unkown med reason? what do we think? I am all kurfluffelled... possibly because I open Macbeth on Wed next the 7th of April. Maybe that is because I should not have to think about Laura while attempting to play Lady Macbeth!!
breath...K goodnight
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