Jan 27, 2008 17:43
Once upon a time, there was a girl who liked a guy. He was funny, sweet, and overall amazing. The girl thought that the guy liked her. They held hands, shared secrets, and had a lot of fun with each other, just hanging out. Then one day, the girl decided to go to private school. The boy seemed indifferent, but all was fine in terms of their relationship. One week before the girl left for private school, she and the boy got in an argument because he was shutting her out and she didn't know why. She left for private school and barely ever got a chance to talk to the boy again. He graduated. Now, this should be the end of the story, but it's not. One day, the girl called the boy when she knew he would be home from college and talked to him for and hour. She found out that he really had liked her and that he still had "feelings" for her. And so, completely in heaven, the girl hung up. The next time she called, the boy was more stilted, and he didn't really talk at all. Though this was odd, the girl decided that he probably was tired. When she asked him if he wanted to go see a movie, just to confirm plans, the boy said no. And though they may still love each other, in the loosest sense of the word "love" that is used by some high school students and college students, the girl was never to hear from her one true love ever again. Oh, and did I mention that at her new school, though she was happy, her heart was never truly whole. This is my life story. I'm tired of all this crap. But I thought I'd post just to rub it in her face: Yes, he did love me, he didn't love you, and at least he still does. I'm sure of where he stands... are you? Shut up and go play your saxophone, I never want to talk to you again!!!