Drabble/Ficlet: The Stranger in Leather - Harry/Draco

Aug 21, 2009 18:27

Title: The Stranger in Leather
Beta: katelinmr
Pairing: Harry/Draco (Harry's identity is revealed at the end)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: established relationship, light D/s (as play), PWP
Word Count: 506
Summary: Draco is dragged to a corner of a nightclub by a sexy leather-clothed man.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and ( Read more... )

fic: hp - character: harry, fic - length: drabble/ficlet, fic: hp - pairing: harry/draco, year: 2009, fic - type: slash, fic - beta: katelinmr, fic: hp - character: draco, fic - rating: nc17

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Comments 45

lordes August 21 2009, 22:03:10 UTC
OMG YAY! you've posted it!

*adores you*

*loves it*

*reads it again*





girlofavalon August 21 2009, 22:04:48 UTC
*hugs you tigh*
I am soooo glad you liked it! It was so fun to write!

Thank you for beta-ing!


lordes August 21 2009, 22:05:40 UTC
LOL.. beta'd my own drabble *facepalm*

but sure, anytime :)

and it was different then the fics I normally read but I still loved it to bits!


girlofavalon August 21 2009, 22:07:22 UTC
That's why I was unsure if you'd like it. You seemed so "oh, fluff, please" in your prompt :P


lijahlover August 21 2009, 22:47:30 UTC
*Flails* *pants*



LOL I think you get the idea *hugs*


girlofavalon August 21 2009, 23:11:28 UTC
Yeah, I get the idea.

Thank you! I'd love to post an entry with your drabble too, if you let me.


lijahlover August 22 2009, 02:04:11 UTC
Okay post it if you want to I don't mind. Which one though?


girlofavalon August 22 2009, 02:25:19 UTC
I've only written one for you yet.
Hmm... I'm not sure... you seem to mind.


(The comment has been removed)

girlofavalon August 22 2009, 00:20:30 UTC
Thank you, sweetie *squeezes you*

Always? :p


enchanted_jae August 22 2009, 05:30:55 UTC


girlofavalon August 22 2009, 15:50:27 UTC
♥ :-D


AMAZING sweetpitanga August 24 2009, 23:57:13 UTC
Girl... you write very well!!
amazing... the details of every act... every breath... I could hear here... Harry whispering: "Yes, fuck. You love this, don't you?"

HOT hot HOT!!!

my soundtrack to this fanfiction: 3 days grace


Re: AMAZING girlofavalon August 25 2009, 00:19:41 UTC
my soundtrack to this fanfiction: 3 days grace


Yeah, it's so great to write them! Glad you liked it!


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