Feb 22, 2007 11:06
I don't know how many of you get the Washington Post, but today there was a magazine supplement in it that had an article about these things called Toygers (or something). Basically, what they are, is a cross between a house cat and a tiger. Now, I mean, you know I am an equal opportunity baby animal lover. Lets just get that out there. However, it should be noted that I like dogs more than cats. But also, it should be noted that I like cats more than no animal at all. Cats can be cute. I mean, if they aren't weird and psychopathic. Anyways, I don't really want to get into that right now, that's not really the point. The point is HELLO CATS+TIGERS=AWESOMENESSBRILLIANCE. It's like a mini-tiger. It's like Calvin and Hobbes brought to life. Amazing. I want my own Hobbes. AHLFSJLD. The only problem is that they cost like 4,000 smackaroooos. Also, they probably will have a lot of health problems. Also, I don't want to get attacked by PETA (that is a real concern of mine). Any who, they are super super cute. Totally lovable.
So. quick update on my life. Because you know you secretly care. Today my task is to write thank you notes and commence with the packing. That probs will not happen. Most of the past week has been spent avoiding writing these thank you notes. I mostly watch t.v. and sit around in my pajamas. If I knew graduating high school was this glamorous then I would have done it sooner! lolz. But it hasn't been all fun and games. The other day we went Ice Skating in honor of Alisa's birthday. Ice Skating, fun idea, but not so much after 10 minutes. I also had a snowy sleepover with Davitta. Also, my grandmother went back to Florida. Hmm, what else has happened. A lot of t.v. I watched a few episodes of Oz. It was surprisingly good. I mean, not surprising as in I thought it would be bad, but rather that I thought it wouldn't be my thang. I also watched Half Nelson again. It was really good on the second viewing. I think about Ryan Gosling a lot...Anyways, um. That's pretty much it. I don't think I'm ready to goooooo. There is a lot left to do before I leaaaaave.
I was thinking. about something. I was wondering if I should do like a group email with like trip updates to family and stuff. The problem with that is that I have like this weird problem with group emails because to me they feel really impersonal and I just delete them. I sort of take it like an insult that people aren't bothered to directly keep in touch and that it is lazy. But I mean, that's pretty harsh. I'm sure a lot of it comes down to the fact that they would just be repeating stuff over and over and also there will be limited computer time on the trip. Also, with group emails, people don't feel pressured like they have to respond to every email, which is fine. I guess if they wanted to they would get a personal email in response which would be the ideal situation. Obvs, I am not mature enough to handle the lofty expectations of a group email. Also, would it make me less inclined to update this journal or write in my personal one? I don't know, these are clearly serious concerns of mine. ah ponder ponder ponder.