Sep 04, 2006 20:37
We had this assignment in Modern Israel about looking at Blogs as sources. We had to find a blog about Israel or Lebanon and examine what they are talking about, if they have biases, and if it's an appropriate source. So, I'm thinking, ya know, Hey, I have a blog. And I know I'm not an appropriate source of anything. It's such a wonder, because there are these dueling worlds in the blogosphere. You got the celebrity blogs, the fad blogs, the teenage whiney blogs (aka me), and then you got news blogs. Of course, there are people who start blogs for personal use like the one I was looking at, which started out as this dude who used to live in England and then moved to Israel. Now he is being linked to from the ABC website because he has been blogging about life in Israel since the conflict broke out. And it's like, good for him, he's being productive with his web space.
And now everyone is shitting themselves over this whole idea of blogging. Every T.V. show every news station, every this every that has a blog! And for me, I associate blogging with the dirty and not exactly factual world that is livejournal/ greatest journal/ xanga/ etc. Are we not considered blogs too? I can't really tell you what my journal is an account of. It's not even a decant account of my daily life, what good would it be to anyone? No one is going to come across it and question if it is a quality source to examine the life of an average 14-17 year old growing up in the D.C. metro area. But still, when did it become acceptable for Jewish History teachers, or any teachers to use blogs in the classroom? I heard of an English class using them too. It's just weirding me out, because I've always thought of blogs as some what renegade. But I guess not. I guess the times are changing. What do I know? Maybe I should start being more productive with my soapbox, maybe I should take a stand for something I believe in, maybe I should do some honest reporting, maybe I should be detailing my triumphs and hardships with hopes that I can help other people with my wise words. Or, conversely, not.
Hey, maybe that will be the moment that changed my life. The day I started a livejournal. Is that weird? Well, it's true.
There was a Top Chef marathon on Bravo today. I watched like, the entire season. It was a pretty good show. Although, it was like this, if I closed my eyes, it might as well have been Project Runway. The entire framework of the contest, the look of the show, as well as the soundtrack, was almost identical. I mean, aside from the obvious differences, namely the fact that one is about fashion and the other about cooking.
Anyway, another productive labor day weekend.