Mystery bruise

Jul 28, 2006 20:58

I have this purple and black bruise the size of the tip of my thumb on my leg, just below and a little behind my knee. And I have no idea how I got it. But it's all puffed out and I can see it without my glasses on without evening squinting!
Also, called Kenny.
Kenny: I can't work that day you need.
Me: NoooOOOooooOOOoooo!
Kenny: sorry. What's so important anyway?
Me: er... a sci-fi convention that I want to go to because I'm an enormous geek and it only happens once a year and I missed it last year because I had a concussion from getting head butted by a horse so I couldn't go.
Kenny: Wow. You know what? I'm gonna ask if I can get that day off so I can cover for you.

And now Steven is playing his music very, very loud. Inconsiderate *mutter* then again he might not know I'm here. Maybe he'll turn it down before I actually try to sleep.
I want a snack. hmm.
I should have practised Poly today, but I was busy watching Firefly and Sugarrush. And I'm getting really frustrated with Poly because I'm not getting any better. I've been doing this for like 2-3 months and I still haven't gone more than about twenty feet, although on average I only do about ten. My life is so emo *tear*
And my tendonitis still hates me. I should probably start going to physio again, but it's expensive.
Yay! Janine's coming over tomorrow. I wonder what I'll make for supper? She'll probably get annoyed with me if she isn't fed.
Oh, and I actually learned something at work today. What we call the Union Jack (the Brittish flag) is actually called the Union Flag in Britain because it's the flag for Britain, Ireland and Wales. And there are different elements of all three of their flags in the union flag. Like the big red + is for Britain, the white X is for Ireland and the red X is for Whales. And the British bit is red because of St. George (for some reason) because he's Britain's patron saint. I totally didn't know any of that, but I do now so I'll look even smarter to people! Whoot! My job may be getting tedious but I still love the respect I get from EVERYBODY! Just because I wear a costume and know a few tidbits about some dusty old building! Old people, young people, kids, real teachers, people with doctorates in rocket science... they all bow down to my wisdom. And that's cool.

work, learning stuff, tv

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