Let's do that again... or not.

Jul 12, 2006 21:11

So, my dad and I went fabric shopping which was pretty good. I just hope the dress turns out well. $50 is dirt cheap for a nice dress (if it turns out nice) but it's a lot of money to waste if by the time I get the thing put together it doesn't fit or it isn't nice or something. So fingers crossed I'll see a return on my investment.
Anyway, then we went to the mall to go get supper and we were on our way out of the parking lot when the engine just up and died. We had no idea what was wrong so my dad called a tow- truck and we sat around for about an hour and a half waiting for it. My dad was pretty pissed off because he can't really afford to fix the car, but he's planning to go on his annual road trip to Ontario in a couple weeks. So I pumped OMWF and sang (badly) along to all the songs while people walking by outside pretended not to listen.
But it wasn't too bad, because I got back to my aunt's in time to catch CNTM yay! Brandi got kicked off, and she claimed if she did then she would give the judges a piece of her mind. But then all she said was 'I think you guys made a mistake' then went running off in tears. But what the hell is up with Alanna? Why is she still on the show? I'm actually afraid she's gonna win. I'm personally rooting for Sisi, and Andrea... well, we just decided that she looks like an alien. Although she actually has pretty much the same build as me, my hair's just longer. Sometimes I wonder what people see when they look at me. Maybe I look like a two-dimensional alien too, but to me I just look like me. So there.
And Janine's out driving with her dad so she wasn't there when I called ;_; hopefully she'll call me when she gets in.


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