Collin II

Jun 22, 2006 17:50

So, me and this guy (whose name is Brian, but I think of him as Collin II) in the staff room today and I think, I'm not positive, but I think he's like, interested in me or something. Sigh. He's acting JUST LIKE Collin, it's really wierd. We talked at lunch (when I was grumpy and really just wanted to read) and then he showed up again on my break, and then walked me back to the schoolhouse and THEN showed up at the end of the day and offered to 'accompany' me back up to the top of the hill. Then I remembered I needed to get my stuff from the staff room and get changed and he CAME WITH ME and WAITED while I changed! WTF? If this isn't courting behavoir then I don't know what is. I mean, I try telling myself that maybe it's just his way of being friendly or something, but you do not go out of your way and sit around waiting (when you have a bus to catch, incedentally) for someone to change just so you can walk them to the top of the hill. I might do that if I was planning to do something with my friends after, but for someone who I just met that day? Wierd. So very, very wierd.
He even said "I guess I'll see you later" in a very Collonish way. I guess it's a personality type or something. That for whatever reason are drawn to my personality type.
Not that I'm complaining, really. It's just wierd. I'm not really used to straight guys paying attention to me.
Whatever. At least now if he asks me out I can tell him no without feeling guilty about it or something.
So wierd.
I should ride Poly but I'm tired. There are two bike paths to work, one of them has a lot more hills than the other. And the flatter one is closed for some reason so I'm all tired. But I should. But I'm tired. Maybe after supper (and before I wash my hair). If we have supper.
That's another thing. My hair is just so freakin' heavy. It's not so bad when it's down or whatever, but when it's all in one place (ie: a bun) but afternoon my neck is sore and I have a headache. I must find some other way to do my hair so it doesn't get so uncomfortable. Maybe I could braid it and wrap the braids around my head? I my had wouldn't fit on very well, but I don't wear my hat that much anyway. Urg. Sleepy.

unicycling, work

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