So I was googling myself...

Mar 23, 2006 12:28

and lookit what I found! 
Apparently I'm also a Journalist, wedding planner and budget assistant.

Isn't it wierd how people seem to dissapear off the face of the earth? I was reading this really wonderful story on fictionpress and it just stopped. I poked around, searching the author's name and checking his blog and there's nothing. But I'm guessing he's still alive because the the story was only updated about a month ago. And yet he's got no blog entries from any later than 2003, and the few pages google turned up had all been shut down, moved, whatever. So he's dissapeared.

If I died would you guys notice? I'm guessing not. You'd just think I packed up my bags and abandoned the internet, except for the few of you that I know in real life.

Oh! Yes! The Purolator guy just came by and I have Edgar back! Yay, new adaptor that works! YESYESYESYESYESYESYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I should go do that English paper re-write now. YES! *happy dance!*


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