I has a watch!

Jul 09, 2012 13:34

But what's more exciting, MEC now sells a water bottle that mounts under your bike seat! It has a long tube, camelback style, so you can drink while you're riding with no backpack and no stopping for water bottles! Yay! Austin was doing this and that around town, so he stopped in at MEC got one for each of us, as well as my watch. He came by during my lunch hour and tried to help me install it, but I have a reflector mounted right where the bottle needs to be hung, and I wasn't able to get it off (it needs a screwdriver). So the bottle part will go in my panier for the ride home. This is excellent timing becuase it's 30 degrees celcius outside and I forgot to bring a water bottle this morning. I also left my sunscreen at home, and Austin had a bottle with him that he gave me.

Week of June 25: 69km
June total: 246 km
Week of July 2: 102km

I finally achieved my completely arbritrary goal of 100km/week last week. This was largely due to another ride to Chestemere on the Monday, which I had off. Austin was out of town, but one of my besties, and oldest friend, Tessa, agreed to come with me. Tessa is not a cyclist and generally doesn't like bikes, but she does to a lot of hiking so she's pretty fit. She drove to my apartment and we set out, getting lost in the neighbourhood before we got onto the bike path. This ride was a lot easier on me than it was last time. The weather was good, I had a better bike and better gear, and I was in significantly better shape. We still went pretty slow, the whole trip taking about 5 hours (including a stop for lunch, which probably took at least an hour). I was tired but not broken when I got home.

Tessa, who refuses to wear bike shorts because she thinks they look stupid, fared somewhat less well. Her butt, in particular, was not happy with the situation, but I think she was pretty sore all over. She also forgot to put on sunscreen so her arms were quite burned. I got burned in a couple places, where I missed a spot, but it wasn't too bad. I have a sunburn bracelet on my right hand which is almost faded now, and I had a couple other spots here and there which have already healed.

For the rest of the week I was pretty lazy, only biking in to work on two of the three days that I worked.

I am on track to accomplish my other, completely arbritrary goal of 400km/month. I can do this pretty readily if I bike to work every day. I also want to go on a few longer trips, particularly to Cochrane. Austin sometimes goes there and back in one day, but I would do it in two, staying in a hotel overnight and biking back the next day. It's about 50km each way, so comparable to a round trip of Chestemere. Austin would accompany me, of course. We haven't picked a weekend yet, but given his schedule there's no real point in planning things too far in advance.

biking, shopping

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