(no subject)

Dec 23, 2008 19:37

Ok, so, I'm working on a jacket to match the skirt I made.

The jacket will be made out of the same fabric and it'll be pretty simple- just a front and back, no collar, shaped with darts. I'll make black frog closures that will go down to about hip length. The jacket will be a little shorter than the skirt, so a couple inches shy of knee length on me so if I wear both together the skirt will peek out.

Anyway, the conundrum here is whether or not I want to interline the jacket with flannel/fleece/something warm. It won't be very warm if it's just brocade and lining, so it would be a summer jacket. If I do the interlining it would be more of a spring/fall thing, but I already have a hot pink velvet spring/fall jacket, so do I really need two eye-smarting pink jackets for the same season? Not to mention I don't have *any* nice summer jackets at all.

I have some time before I need to make up my mind because I ran out of tracing paper, which I absolutely need to draft patterns and I still need to draft the back. I also have to buy fabric to make a mock-up, to make sure the pattern works. I'm not drafting it totally from scratch; I'm using the tailcoat pattern and I'm using the pattern for the skirt as a guide to lengthen it. But I'm not really confident enough in my pattern-drafting abilities to experiment on the nice fabric.

The other issue with interlining it is I should probably make the whole thing a size bigger, since it'll be thicker. And while that's not a huge pain in the ass it's still sort of annoying.

So, any thoughts?


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