Feb 29, 2008 22:02
Went archerying. Good times. I think I may actually have built up some muscle in my arms from swimming or something, because drawing my bow wasn't particularly difficult. My finger tips on my right hand and the web between my thumb and pointer finger on my left are really sore, though. My left shoulder and neck, too.
Anyway, I was packing my stuff up at around 9:15 and so was this other guy, and I asked him if he could drop me off at a train station on his way home, and it turns out he lives in the same area as me. Words can hardly express how pleased I am about this. He basically said that I should call him on the days when I want to go and he'd drive me. He's a nice older fellow, some of his mannerisms reminds me of Silvia (my boss last summer). He's got long white hair and a beard to match, kinda Santaish. But, yes. Rides. I sorta thought I might meet someone eventually who lived in the same area as me, but I certainly wasn't expecting it on my first night. And it takes forever to get there by bus, and it's not exactly a ten-minute drive either.
I really suck at archery ;_; but I got better over the course of the evening, so that's something. I got some pointers from the guys who organize it and are all hard core and stuff. Turns out I've probably been releasing the bowstring wrong for, like, ever. And now I know how to do it right but I just need to break the habit. They also told me not to worry much about aiming and just focus on learning to shoot and having the right stance and stuff.
Oh, and almost everyone had obviously modern equipment so that made me happy. It was kinda funny seeing all these normal looking people with normal looking modern bows and really nifty authenticish quivers and wrist guards.
Anyway, it was really nice. Sadly it's on the same night as swing, and logistically I really don't think I can do both in one night, just cuz they're too far apart. I'll have to alternate, but shooting once every two weeks probably won't be enough for me to improve much. Oh well. I'm not ditching swing for archery, because while I enjoy archery swing is much more fun.
I should go sleep now. I'm really tired Zzzz