Commissions! (and other, more boring stuff)

Dec 31, 2007 00:53

It's almost one in the morning and I'm still wide awake. Blarg.

I looked up all the text books I need, and tomorrow I'm going to the university to get my new bus pass sticker thingie and buy books (hopefully the stores will be open *crosses fingers*)

I'm putting spinning on hold until I can get someone who knows how to do it to look at what I've spun and tell me what's wrong with it/what to do better next time. I've wound it around the back of a chair to stretch out, and hopefully that'll relax some of the twist. I need a swift liek woah, people. Even a niddy noddy would due.

Anyway. Worked on some tatting today. Did a bit of research on Civil War costuming and apparently the pattern that I've chosen for the dress is reasonably authentic. The die-hard costumers say Simplicity's patterns are pretty good and will fool anyone who isn't totally wise, and with a few adjustments can be made to be very authentic. Apparently the patterns say to use pinking shears for seam finishing. Ugh. Just ugh. I'd never do that even for modern clothes. That's what surgers are for, people.

I've also decided that if I can't get a job at Heritage park this summer I'll volunteer to come in once a week for a few hours and do spinning demonstrations (drop spindle or wheel). At the tail end of last year they were planning to have a workshop for interested staff to learn, but they never did. Meaning that my spinning skills, however immature they are, are still rare and therefore valuable. None of the costume ladies even know how to spin.

Um. What else? I've decided that as long as I'm not going to be sleeping I might as well try and do something useful, hence research ect.

I'm also taking commissions for knitting projects. There are a bunch of pictures of some recent things I've made behind the cut, along with descriptions and explanations. I designed almost everything (exceptions will be noted) and created the patterns from scratch, some of them from photographs.

I can make hats:

Frogs aren't the only animals, either. I can design patterns for pigs, bunnies, whatever. And the hat below is made of some of my first handspun yarn. I won't be making any commissions out of handspun, nor will I be selling handspun yarn.

I can make mitts:

The ones below are for my friend, and one of her hands is smaller than the other, so it's not a mistake!

And these are my fingerless gloves to keep my hands warm while I'm toiling away in the basement, hunched over the sewing machine or while I'm taking notes in badly heated classrooms. I am very fond of this design.

I can make socks:

I know they're hard to see in this picture. I also made the scarf and altered the cloak. Please ignore my retarded facial expression.

And a better picture of my scarf:

I've also made really sexy fishnet stockings. Again, bad picture and stupid expression. My apologies. You can't really see it in the picture, but they lace up the back with ribbon. I didn't make this pattern, if anyone wants a link let me know.

I can even make boobs! (not my pattern) (my mom had breast cancer, so I made this for her a little while after her mascetomy)

I will NOT be taking commissions for sewing projects unless they're really small, like restraints, which are a TON of fun to make (and use!):

or mittens (not my pattern)

I can make knitting patterns on request, it's easiest if I have a picture or two (or more) to work from. I can make Harry Potter house scarves, Jayne hats, whatever. I won't be making larger items, like sweaters, vests or rediculously long scarves. If there's a small item you want but I haven't mentioned it (like tea cosies  or... well, that's all I can think of, but you get the idea) I'll probably be happy to make it for you. If you've found a pattern you like and want me to knit it for you I can do that too. My pricing scheme is that I'll charge about $25-35 of labour for every ball of yarn used (it usually takes one ball to make a hat or pair of mitts, unless different colours are needed. The fuzzy purple mitts took two). On top of that I will charge for supplies (yarn starts at about $4/ball, but that stuff is really crappy and I usually knit with yarn closer to $8-$10, but if you want something really delux you can easily spend several times that) and shipping, if you're not someone who I see reasonably often.

Anyway, if you're interested at all in anything comment or email me at darkdaisy[at]gmail[dot]com and we can discuss everything in further detail.

work, school, looky what i made, making stuff, pics, sewing, spinning, knitting

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